Monday, May 10, 2010

10-05-10 Foreclosures as endgame of fraud schemes //

Richard S. Fuld Jr., former chairman and chief executive officer of Lehman Bros., testifies before the House Financial Services Committee last month.

Foreclosures- The End Game of Wall Street’s Fraud, Lies and Deceit

May 9th, 2010 · No Comments · Foreclosure

[Associated Press] 

One of the many problems those who are fighting foreclosures have to deal with is the fact that some judges and most people on the “outside” of the mortgage meltdown don’t understand that the Fat Cats set the mortgages up to fail from the very beginningbecause mortgages that were “bad” paid the Fat Cats much more at the outset.  Now this is wild and insane stuff….how can mortgages given to people that have no hope of ever paying them (even if the economy didn’t crash)?  The answer lies in the lies, greed, fraud and arrogance that dominated Wall Street when these loans were created–a culture that continues to victimize normal Americans today.

If you really want to go insane watch this CBS News report here which details how Goldman Sachs was making millions of dollars by selling “shitty” deals to their institutional investors.  It just makes me furious to hear these guys gloating over making millions while at the same time refusing to admit to even the slightest amount of wrongdoing. The homeowners really were on the lowest end of the “dupes” totem pole, but they were not the only ones taken.

The book Chain of Blame details the unholy alliances that were formed between the subprime lenders and Wall Street and how the subprime lenders and Wall Street kept competing with one another to create “shittier” and “shitter” deals.  The bottom line is in order to keep making more insane profits, the bad actors had to keep making loans that were increasingly less likely to be paid in the long term because loans that performed would not provide the bigger payouts that came from the bets they made on the back end that the portfolio of loans would fail.

The national media is starting to pick up on this.  The quotes below are from a story in today’s St. Petersburg Times.

A central part of Lehman’s business was making and selling “liar’s loans” under its Aurora subsidiary. It was a suicidal enterprise. These kinds of loans, where borrowers have an incentive to inflate income or assets, are set up to fail. Black estimates that every dollar lent on a liar’s loan loses 50 to 85 cents.

In the short term, making these loans produces significant apparent but fictional income — and correspondingly huge bonuses for executives. Only later do the loans create real catastrophic losses for those holding them.

Lehman was the world leader in originating these loans. In the first six months of 2007, Aurora was lending more than $3 billion a month of subprime and liar’s loans. This guaranteed senior management extraordinary paydays. Even as the fall was becoming evident, the firm’s CEO and chairman, Richard Fuld, was awarded $40 million in total compensation for 2007. (Much of it in stock that later became worthless.)

Undoubtedly, the firm’s top executives knew that making fraudulent loans was its primary source of income. But Lehman assiduously attempted to hide that fact, classifying its liar’s loans as “prime” loans in disclosures, Black says. Had Lehman disclosed the true nature of the loans it was selling, no one would buy them and the firm would have been found out as insolvent.

To various degrees this kind of deceit was the business model of every player in the subprime mortgage lending and securities market: every bank that loaned money without documenting a borrower’s credit worthiness, every firm that securitized loans without examining the lender’s loan files, every accounting and law firm that helped fudge disclosures, and every credit rating agency that rated a mortgage-related security as safe without sampling the underlying loans.

So what’s all this got to do with the little ‘ole homeowner sitting in foreclosure today? 

One of the most important things we’ve all got to understand, and a key point we’ve got to make sure our judges start to understand, is that the very same lies, fraud, greed and unethical conduct that is now being exposed on such a massive scale in Wall Street and in Washington has migrated into our courtrooms.

Many judges and attorneys still cling to a naive and antiquated professional worldview wherein attorneys, as officers of the court, remembered that they are officers of the court and do not make false statements or engage in misleading practices before the court.  The problem is the entire foreclosure system is now functioning based on fabricated documents, forged documents, false and misleading statements and gross violations of the most basic ethical standards.  Two documents that are part of nearly every foreclosure file illustrate this point.

1)The affidavits of amounts due and owing that are filed in nearly every case do not meet the most basic evidentiary standards and they cannot be relied upon as evidence to grant foreclosure.

2)The assignments of mortgages or endorsements that are filed in nearly every case are either outright improper on their face (such as when the assignment post-dates filing of the suit) or questionable such as endorsements that “appear” on documents from failed or defunct subprime lenders that ceased functioning years ago.

Advocates and judges have only recently become aware of just how failed this whole system is.  Some judges are just covering their eyes, holding their noses and continuing to grant foreclosures despite the growing body of evidence that the law firms and the clients they represent are engaged in such widespread and systemic improper practices.  This will all come back to haunt every American for decades to come. The biggest problem is this represents a fundamental breakdown in the rule of law.  Courtrooms and judges are no longer owed respect and honor and fear…the pressures placed on our courts have turned them into fast food flop houses operating in servitude to the Millionaire Foreclosure Mills.  The only real objective is to plow through these hundreds of thousands of foreclosures as quickly as possible so that the foreclosure mills and their clients can continue to make millions.

Ignore long established rules of evidence

Ignore new rules of the Supreme Court of Florida

Ignore blatant and not so blatant fraud

Ignore expectations of professionalism and respect for judges and the courts by Millionaire Foreclosure Mills that have decided their profits are more important than treating the courts with respect.

There is one thing missing from this whole calculus and that is the fact that these practices and procedures are producing failed titles to property.  In the rush to plow through all these foreclosures, we’re creating a nightmarish scene of destruction where title to real property will be thrown into chaos for decades to come.  Some judges get it (do a google search for New York Judge Schack) and many, many more will get it in the decades to come when we title lawyers come back before them to vacate judgments of foreclosure that were improperly granted.  That’s enough for this morning, but obviously much more of this to come.
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What's criminal is what is legal

By Robyn E. Blumner, Times Columnist
In Print: Sunday, May 9, 2010

As the financial reform bill wends its way through the Senate, one has to wonder whether lawmakers understand the true nature of the massive fraud that was perpetrated on this country. They should be listening to William Black.
Black, a former senior banking regulator during the S&L crisis and now a professor of economics and law at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, has been speaking out over Wall Street's culture of criminality. He wrote the book The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One and knows all the white-collar criminal tricks from the inside.

To illustrate just how rotten the investment banks had become during the last decade, Black laid out in prepared testimony before Congress last month the way now-defunct Lehman Bros. was able to loot huge sums for executives, even as it was writing its own death warrant that would ultimately wipe out its shareholders.

A central part of Lehman's business was making and selling "liar's loans" under its Aurora subsidiary. It was a suicidal enterprise. These kinds of loans, where borrowers have an incentive to inflate income or assets, are set up to fail. Black estimates that every dollar lent on a liar's loan loses 50 to 85 cents.

In the short term, making these loans produces significant apparent but fictional income — and correspondingly huge bonuses for executives. Only later do the loans create real catastrophic losses for those holding them.

Lehman was the world leader in originating these loans. In the first six months of 2007, Aurora was lending more than $3 billion a month of subprime and liar's loans. This guaranteed senior management extraordinary paydays. Even as the fall was becoming evident, the firm's CEO and chairman, Richard Fuld, was awarded $40 million in total compensation for 2007. (Much of it in stock that later became worthless.)

Undoubtedly, the firm's top executives knew that making fraudulent loans was its primary source of income. But Lehman assiduously attempted to hide that fact, classifying its liar's loans as "prime" loans in disclosures, Black says. Had Lehman disclosed the true nature of the loans it was selling, no one would buy them and the firm would have been found out as insolvent.

To various degrees this kind of deceit was the business model of every player in the subprime mortgage lending and securities market: every bank that loaned money without documenting a borrower's credit worthiness, every firm that securitized loans without examining the lender's loan files, every accounting and law firm that helped fudge disclosures, and every credit rating agency that rated a mortgage-related security as safe without sampling the underlying loans.

It was a game of "financial don't ask, don't tell" as Black dubs it, that at its core was an epidemic of corruption.

Why was this allowed to continue even though the FBI warned as early as 2004 that mortgage fraud was massive? Because, Black says, officials at the Federal Reserve and Securities and Exchange Commission were ideologically opposed to fulfilling their regulatory role.

This recurring problem of regulators cozy with the industry they regulate means that financial reform must go beyond giving regulators more power and tools. It needs to impose clear legal duties on the financial sector with stiff consequences, which don't currently exist, for failure.

Two amendments offered by Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania would do just that. The first would impose a fiduciary duty on broker-dealers to act in the best interest of their investor customers, with criminal penalties for willful violations. The second would make those who aid and abet securities fraud civilly liable, a way to hold accountable all the professionals — appraisers, lawyers, accountants and others — who help cover the tracks of fraud.

Despite the recent swipe at Goldman Sachs by the SEC and a possible federal criminal probe, there has not been enough focus on the gross criminality infecting huge swaths of the financial sector. The economic meltdown was caused by deceivers, swindlers and defrauders who, in a just world, would be trading their pinstripes for prison stripes. If only.
[Last modified: May 07, 2010 03:04 PM]

Copyright 2010 St. Petersburg Times

There are 5 comments 

Pugh wrote: There's a book out wherein a lawyer explains the average business owner commits three felonies a day. If you have ever deleted any Email from a computer you use with your business, for example, you've committed a felony. The laws are insane. Even the evil clowns who write the regulations can't understand the nightmare police state they've created. Yet these mentally deranged lawyers demand more power, more control, more laws. Blumner and her cronies work for dark forces trying to create a climate of criminalized confusion. They represent the anti-freedom. True, the devil is going to throw some of you in prison to shock the rest of into servile poses.

May 8, 2010 7:54 AM 0Log in to vote 3Log in to vote Report Abuse
Pugh wrote: I'm not a banker. I work day labor. I paint and fix up people's houses. Sometimes I change windows and doors, etc. This month my job got criminalized. Under a new law, the Environmental Protection Agency requires contractors to take expensive precautions and get certified or face a fine of up to $37,500 every day for changing somebody's window without first making a mountain of paperwork, doing lab work and paying fees. One might think $37,500 is a lot to a guy who makes $100 a day. To comply with the regulators, you've got to pay $300 and take a eight-hour class all about the shiny new rules and then pay another $200 for government permission to go back to work. EPA lawyers say the costs and crippling fines are not excessive. If any of you plan any renovations around the house you are gonna pay big brother big time to do it legally. And who wants to go to prison for changing an old window? Blumner and these degenerates in our government are gonna get their pound of flesh from us all.

May 8, 2010 8:23 AM 0Log in to vote 2Log in to vote Report Abuse
JerryEmmonsIsDead wrote: This is a good op-ed piece by Ms. Blumner, but it only scratches the surface. A good read is "The Cheating Culture" by David Callahan. Mr. Callahan observes and examines the broad cultural implications of Americans' rampant proclivity to cheat their own system - out of convenience or greed or just habit. Keep this in mind the next time you do your taxes, or roll through that right-on-red stop sign down the street. The Wall Streeters are merely reflections of our culture - only they have systemetized cheating. Every day I see parents teaching their kids how to cheat; they do this merely by driving while their kids are in the car. They ignore traffic laws, stop signs, all out of a sense of convenience, haste, entitlement, whatever. And what do such habits beget? Well, it just might result in a late-night call from the cops someday, saying your their teenage son is plastered all over the highway. And then they will cry out: How could this have happened to us?

May 9, 2010 8:17 AM 1Log in to vote 0Log in to vote Report Abuse
weidnerlaw wrote: A great article. The follow up should be how the lies, fraud and greed have now migrated into courtrooms across the country as lawyers hired by the banks to foreclose fabricate documents and create false evidence as the final step in the chain of fraud, lies and deceit. Judges are only now starting to realize what's happening...hopefully the press will continue to pick up on all this and follow the evidence....see my blog at for details.

May 9, 2010 8:39 AM 4Log in to vote 0Log in to vote Report Abuse
JerryEmmonsIsDead wrote: Yeah, a FEW judges are now demanding some sort of proof from the foreclosers. (See Anthony Rondolino, for example.) However, our judges should have been demanding such proof all along. Only took a couple years and millions of foreclosures to go skipping by before a FEW judges actually woke up to what was happening in their own courtrooms. Now, how about the REST of them?

10-05-10 Human Rights in the Digital Era // Derechos Humanos en la Era Digital // Menschenrechte im digitalen Zeitalter

Human Rights in the Digital Era – Call for Publicly Accountable Validation of Computers of the Justice Systems

Transition of the US courts from paper-based administration to one based on digital records was an event of historic proportions. Accordingly it was accompanied by sea change in court procedures, such which have evolved over centuries as key safeguards for integrity of the courts.  Failure to manage the transition in compliance with the law resulted in major deficiencies in the US courts today, which were claimed as key factor in precipitous deterioration of integrity of the courts and Human Rights in the US in recent decades.

In April 2010 report, [1] filed with the United Nations by Human Rights Alert (NGO), large-scale fraud was alleged in the United States courts online public access (PACER) and case management (CM/ECF) systems.  The essence of the alleged fraud was and is in: (a) Failure of the courts to spell out in Rules of Court their new verification and authentication procedures, as required by law; (b) Omission of all authentication records (NEFs - Notices of Electronic Filing and NDAs - Notices of Docket Activity) from public access in PACER - such records are today accessible only in CM/ECF, and there too - only to counsel authorized in a given caption; (c) Denial of public access to such authentication records of the US courts, even upon request to access court records - to inspect and to copy -  pursuant to First Amendment rights and Nixon v Warner Communications, Inc (1978); (d) Routine issuance by the US courts of minutes, orders, judgments, and mandates with no authentication at all. Such records, which are deemed by the courts themselves as void, not voidable, are posted in PACER as "entered" – as part of false and deliberately misleading PACER court dockets.

Such fraud was alleged as the enabling tool for routine abuse of Human Rights at the United States courts in both civil and criminal litigations.  For example, such fraud was alleged as having effectively denied access to the US courts in the habeas corpus and related petitions and appeal of the falsely hospitalized, 70 yo, former US prosecutor Richard Fine, [2] [3] As detailed in papers filed with the US Supreme Court in Fine v Sheriff (09-A827), such fraud was also alleged as a routine in litigations involving large financial institutions, undermining effective banking regulation in the United States. [4]  The papers also provided documentation of inexplicable discrepancies in the above referenced caption between the online public access records and the true court file records of the US Supreme Court itself. [5]  However, such papers were omitted from the docket of the US Supreme Court with no authority and with no notation at all. [6]

Similar fraud was alleged in the online public access and case management systems of various correctional institutions, particularly in Los Angeles County, California, where the online public access system was demonstrated as showing no valid records, or no records at all, for approximately half of the inmates, where the case of Richard Fine was but one example. [7]

The solution proposed in the submission to the United Nations: Publicly accountable validation (certified functional logic verification) of online public access and case management systems of the justice system, and strict enforcement of the law - Rulemaking Enabling Act and First Amendment right to access court records - on the US courts themselves...

Although such deficiencies were first analyzed in the US courts, it is expected that similar problems may arise in any nation where the justice system transitions to digital records based administration. [8] Therefore, the November 2010 the 2010 UPR (Universal Periodic Review) of Human Rights in the United States by the United Nations, pending November 2010, may serve as a wake up call new safeguard for Human Rights in the digital era worldwide.

LINKS - Below:

Derechos Humanos en la Era Digital - Convocatoria para la validación de rendir cuentas públicamente de las computadoras de los Sistemas de Justicia
La transición de los tribunales de EE.UU. desde la administración basada en papel a uno basado en registros digitales fue un acontecimiento de proporciones históricas. En consecuencia, estuvo acompañado por gran cambio en los procedimientos judiciales, como que han evolucionado durante siglos como medida de protección clave para la integridad de los tribunales. La falta de gestión de la transición en el cumplimiento de la ley dio lugar a importantes deficiencias en los tribunales de EE.UU. hoy en día, que se alegó como factor clave en el deterioro precipitado de la integridad de los tribunales y los derechos humanos en los EE.UU. en las últimas décadas.
En abril 2010 el informe [1], presentada ante las Naciones Unidas por los Derechos Humanos de alerta (ONG), el fraude a gran escala fue alegado en los tribunales de los Estados Unidos en línea de acceso público (PACER) y manejo de casos (CM / ECF) sistemas. La esencia del fraude alegado era y es: (a) En el fallo de los tribunales para explicar de Reglamento de la Corte de su nueva verificación y procedimientos de autenticación, como exige la ley, (b) En la omisión de todos los registros de autenticación (FNMA - El anuncio de presentación electrónica y la NDA - Información de Expediente de Actividad) de acceso público en PACER - los libros de hoy son accesibles sólo en CM / ECF, y allí también - sólo a un abogado autorizado en un título determinado; (c) La denegación de acceso público a los registros de autenticación, de los tribunales de EE.UU., incluso a petición de acceso a documentos de la corte - para inspeccionar y copiar a - de conformidad con el derecho a la Primera Enmienda y v Nixon Warner Communications, Inc (1978); (d) la emisión de rutina por los tribunales de EE.UU. de las actas , órdenes, resoluciones y mandatos sin autenticación en absoluto. Dichos registros, que son considerados por los propios tribunales como nulo, anulable no, se publican en PACER como "entró" - era parte de falsa y deliberadamente engañosa expedientes judiciales PACER.
Tal fue el fraude que se alegue que el móvil para el abuso sistemático de los Derechos Humanos en los tribunales de los Estados Unidos, tanto en litigios civiles y penales. Por ejemplo, este fraude se alegue que efectivamente se les negó el acceso a los tribunales de EE.UU. en el habeas corpus y peticiones relacionadas y el atractivo de los falsos hospitalizados, 70 años, ex fiscal de EE.UU. Richard Fine, 2] [3] Según lo detallado en documentos presentados [ con la Corte Suprema de los EE.UU. en Sheriff v Bellas (09-A827), este fraude se alegó también como una rutina en litigios participación de las grandes instituciones financieras, lo que socava la regulación bancaria eficaz en los Estados Unidos. [4] En los documentos también proporcionan documentación sobre las discrepancias inexplicables en el título anterior se hace referencia entre los registros de acceso público en línea y la corte real de archivos archivos de la Corte Suprema de los EE.UU. en sí. [5] Sin embargo, esos documentos fueron omitidos de la lista de la Corte Suprema de los EE.UU. sin autoridad y sin anotación en absoluto. [6]
Se alegó fraude similar en el acceso público en línea y sistemas de manejo de casos de diversas instituciones penitenciarias, especialmente en Los Angeles County, California, donde se demostró el sistema en línea de acceso público, sin mostrar registros válidos, o si no en todos los registros, aproximadamente la mitad de los internos, donde el caso de Richard Fine no era más que un ejemplo. [7]
La solución propuesta en la presentación ante las Naciones Unidas: Validación de rendir cuentas públicamente (verificación de los certificados lógica funcional) de acceso público en línea y sistemas de gestión de casos del sistema de justicia, y la aplicación estricta de la ley - Reglamentación Ley de Autorización y derecho de la Primera Enmienda al acceso a los tribunales registros - en los tribunales de EE.UU. se ...
A pesar de estas deficiencias se analizaron por primera vez en los tribunales de EE.UU., se espera que los problemas similares pueden surgir en cualquier país donde el sistema de justicia de transición a los registros digitales de administración basada en. [8] Por lo tanto, de noviembre de 2010, la UPR de 2010 (Examen Periódico Universal) de los Derechos Humanos en los Estados Unidos por las Naciones Unidas, en espera de noviembre de 2010, puede servir como una llamada de atención nueva salvaguardia para los Derechos Humanos en la era de la revolución digital.
ENLACES - Abajo:

Menschenrechte im digitalen Zeitalter - Call for öffentlich Rechenschaft Validierung des Computers der Justiz Systems
Transition von der US-Gerichte aus Papier-basierte Administration, um eine auf der Grundlage digitaler Aufzeichnungen war ein Ereignis von historischem Ausmaß. Dementsprechend wurde es von Sea Change in außergerichtlichen Verfahren, begleitet solche, die über Jahrhunderte als wichtige Garantien für die Integrität der Gerichte entwickelt haben. Die Nichtbeachtung der Übergang in Übereinstimmung mit dem Gesetz zu verwalten führte zu großen Mängel in der US-Gerichte heute, die als Schlüsselfaktor in steilen Verschlechterung der Integrität der Gerichte und der Menschenrechte in den USA in den letzten Jahrzehnten wurden geltend gemacht.
Im April 2010 Bericht wurde [1] mit den Vereinten Nationen von Human Rights Alert (NGO), groß angelegten Betrug eingereicht in den Vereinigten Staaten Gerichte angeblichen Online Public Access (PACER) und Case Management (CM / ECF) Systeme. Das Wesen des angeblichen Betrug war und ist: (a) In dem Scheitern der Gerichte zu buchstabieren im Rules of Court ihren neuen Prüf-und Authentisierungsverfahren, wie gesetzlich vorgeschrieben; (b) In der Unterlassung aller Datensätze Authentifizierung (nefs - Mitteilungen der elektronischen Einreichung und NDAs - Bekanntmachungen Docket Activity) vom öffentlichen Zugang in PACER - diese Aufzeichnungen sind heute nur zugänglich in CM / ECF, und auch dort - nur einen Anwalt in einem bestimmten Bildunterschrift zugelassen sind; (c) Denial-of-Zugang der Öffentlichkeit solche Authentifizierung Aufzeichnungen der US-Gerichte, auch auf Verlangen Zugang zum nationalen Register - zu überprüfen und zu kopieren - nach First Amendment Rechte und Nixon v Warner Communications, Inc (1978); (d) Routine Ausstellung durch den US-Gerichten Minuten , Bestellungen, Urteile und Mandaten ohne Authentifizierung auf allen. Die Aufzeichnungen, die von den Gerichten selbst als nichtig, nicht anfechtbar erachtet werden, in PACER sind gebucht "eingetragen" - war Teil falsch und vorsätzlich irreführend PACER Gericht Laufzettel.
Derartige Betrügereien wurde als Instrument für die Routine ermöglicht Missbrauch der Menschenrechte bei den amerikanischen Gerichten in zivil-und strafrechtlichen Rechtsstreitigkeiten behaupteten. Zum Beispiel, war ein solcher Betrug mit Erfolg bestritten Zugang zum US-Gerichte in der Habeas-Corpus-und verwandten Petitionen und Attraktivität der behauptete der fälschlich ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert, 70 yo, ehemaliger US-Staatsanwalt Richard Fine, [2] [3] Wie in Papiere eingereicht mit dem US-Supreme Court in feiner V Sheriff (09-A827), wie Betrug wurde auch als eine Routine in Rechtsstreitigkeiten mit großen Finanzinstituten behaupteten, untergraben wirksame Bankenaufsicht in den Vereinigten Staaten. [4] Die Papiere auch Dokumentation der unerklärliche Abweichungen in dem oben genannten Bildunterschrift zwischen dem Online Public Access Datensätze und die wahre Gerichts-Datei Aufzeichnungen des US Supreme Court sich. [5] Allerdings wurden diese Papiere von der Tagesordnung des Obersten Gerichtshofs der USA ohne Autorität und ohne Notation überhaupt weggelassen. [6]
Ähnliche Betrugsfälle in der Online-Zugang der Öffentlichkeit und Fall-Management-Systeme der verschiedenen Strafanstalten, vor allem in Los Angeles County, Kalifornien, wo die Online Public Access System zeigt keine gültigen Datensätze oder keine Datensätze überhaupt, für etwa die Hälfte der nachgewiesen wurde behauptet, die Insassen, wo der Fall von Richard Fine war nur ein Beispiel. [7]
Die Lösung in der Vorlage bei den Vereinten Nationen vorgeschlagen: öffentlich Rechenschaft Validierung (zertifiziert Funktionslogik Verifikation) der Online-Zugang der Öffentlichkeit und Fall-Management-Systeme des Justizsystems und die strikte Durchsetzung des Rechts - Reglementierungssoftware Ermächtigungsgesetz und First Amendment Recht auf Zugang Gericht Records - auf dem US-Gerichten selbst ...
Obwohl diese Mängel wurden zunächst in den US-Gerichten analysiert werden, wird erwartet, dass ähnliche Probleme können in jeder Nation, wo die Justiz Übergänge zu digitalen Aufzeichnungen basierte Administration entstehen. [8] Daher Erwartung der November 2010 der 2010 UPR (Universal Periodic Review) der Menschenrechte in den Vereinigten Staaten von den Vereinten Nationen, November 2010, kann als ein Weckruf für neue Schutzmaßnahmen für Menschenrechte im digitalen Zeitalter weltweit.

[1] April 2010 report  filed with the United Nations by Human Rights Alert (NGO):
a) Press Release:
b) Report
c) Appendix:
d) UPR Tool Kit by the Urban Justice Center:

[2] Richard Fine - a Review

[3] Please sign the petition: Free Richard Fine:

[4] April 23, 2010 US Supreme Court conference in Fine v Sheriff (09-A827) - Motion to Intervene and related papers filed by Dr Joseph Zernik

[5] March 12, 2010 purported denial by Associate Justice Kennedy of Fine's Application in Fine v Sheriff (09-A827) - Inexplicable records of the US Supreme Court

[6] April 23, 2010 denial by US Supreme Court conference of Fine v Sheriff (09-A827) - Omission of Papers filed by Dr Joseph Zernik from the US Supreme Court Docket with no notation at all.

[7] Online public access  and case management system (CMS) of the sheriff’s Department, Los Angeles County, California: Large scale false imprisonments in Los Angeles County, California are alleged through holding of inmates based on false records, routinely posted by the Sheriff’s Department in its online public access system “Inmate Information Center”, while denying access to the true arrest and booking records, which are public records by California Public Records Act – GOVT. CODE §§ 6250 - 6276.48
a) Data Survey
b) Data Survey
c) Data Survey
d) Data Survey
e) Data Survey
f) Addendum to Complaint filed with the Sheriff’s Department – alleged fraud in Booking

[8] January 2010 inexplicable features in new case management system introduced in the Israeli courts: