10-11-28 Wikileak and US Government Passion for Secrecy - Prisoners Records // Presos Confidencial Documentos

From the Lawsters discussion group:

1) Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2010 02:12:05 Joseph Zernik wrote:
To: lawsters@googlegroups.comFrom: joseph zernik
Subject: Re: Wikileak and millions of diplomatic documents

Hi Bob:

RE: Sealed court opinions

a) Check my paper on prisoners' records in Marin County, California.  About half the prisoners have no records. Instead, there is a reference to "confidential court case".  I was never aware that such category of cases was permitted by law.  Moreover, I doubt that there is such concentration of national security threats in Marin County, California, of all places. [1]
b) Check the dockets of the US District Court, Arkansas, about half the cases are sealed. [2]
Zernik, J: Data Mining as a Civic Duty:  Online Public Prisoners’ Registration Systems, International Journal on Social Media: Monitoring, Measurement, Mining 1: 84-96 (2010)

[2] Zernik, J; The Clerks and the Calendars of the US Courts - pending

2) At 12:14 AM 11/28/2010, Bob wrote:
Wikileaks.org announced intentions to release to the public millions of US diplomatic documents tonight from its web site.

I don’t have mixed feelings about this.  I absolutely hate the US Government’s policies on information control (lies, distractions, misinformation, withholding information):
·         Iran Contra affair
·         Afghanistan war
·         Iraq War
·         9-11 destruction
·         US insolvency and de facto bankruptcy
·         State of war affecting states and citizens
·         Identities of federal reserve bank owners
·         Thousands of sealed and unpublished court opinions

Americans deserve unfettered information from  government. I do not consider the US government “my” government.  I consider it an alien, enemy force headed by an illegal alien.  I do not trust any government act, and I consider virtually all government acts as poison of one kind or another, intended to enslave the people while giving big benefits to government actors and lobbyists.

I love seeing the government brought down a few notches regularly, such as by Wikileaks.  My answer to government complaints:  keep your actions lawful, dignified, and transparently obvious.  Then you’ll have nothing to hide and you’ll feel no embarrassment for acting like crooks and jackasses.

Hip Hip Hooray for Wikileaks.  Keep the information flowing.
 Bob Hurt