Saturday, March 3, 2012

12-03-03 Comprehensive Occupy coverage at Nation of Change //Ocupar completa cobertura a la Nación del Cambio // 全面占据覆盖变化的国家

Published: Sunday 25 September 2011
Day 167 of the Occupy Movement: Live Video Stream And Twitter Feed
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Thou­sands of ac­tivists have de­scended on Wall Street since past week­end as part of the #Oc­cu­py­Wall­Street protest or­ga­nized by sev­eral ac­tion groups. What fol­lows is a live video stream of this event as well as a live twit­ter stream of the #Oc­cu­py­Wall­Street Hash Tag.
Wall Street Oc­cu­pa­tion Cov­er­age at Na­tionofChange:

12-03-02 One in five Americans cannot afford food! //Uno de cada cinco estadounidenses no pueden pagar la comida! // Каждый пятый американец не может позволить себе пищу!// 五分之一的美国人无法负担的食物!

Growing Number Of Americans Can't Afford Food, Study Finds

By Alexander Eichler

About 18.6 percent of people -- almost one out of every five -- told Gallup pollsters that they couldn't always afford to feed everyone in their family in 2011.