Zion Square, Jerusalem, August 25 - Violence again erupted in Zion Squre, Jerusalem tonight. According to two eye witnesses, violence erupted in the square, blood stains are visible on the pavement.
One person, most likely Christian Arab from the old city was wounded and was removed by ambulance to the hospital.
The attacker, most likely Jewish, managed to escape.
According the eye witness, who called the police, Israel Police and an ambulance arrived this time within a few minutes.
Uniformed police were present in the square earlier in the night, but not during the fight.
Last week, violence by Jews against Arabs in the Square was described by eye witnesses and media as "lynching".
Presence of uniformed police in the Square on Thurday, Friday, Sturday nights was repeatedly asked since the murder on nationalistic background of an Arab youth near the Squre in February 2011.