Wednesday, December 19, 2012

12-12-20 Secession - board discussion

Potentional secession blocks in the United states.

Discussion in re: Secession, following the posting at:

12-12-19 The Will to Secede: Why It's Not Just a Right-Wing Fantasy


There is a big, big , hole in Mr. Zachary's paper/analysis.

That being - sanctuary cities.  In fact, these sanctuary cities (mainly run by Democrats, LA, SF, Chicago, NY, etc., llustrative not exhaustive] followed by in many further instances sanctuary counties[LA, SF, etc., illustrative not exhaustive] and sanctuary states [California, Illinois, New York, etc., illustrative not exhaustive] - what is actually left of the United States, its Constitution and Rule of Law.  In other words, that being said, What is a country if it is not United and continues to promote diversity?

Zachary though stated that answer, where he wrote that when our motto E pluribus unam (out of many, one) has been inverted, flipped, to Ex uno pluribus (out of one, many).  Having less and less in common, actually does not bode well for the future.  Especially where we are broke beyond comprehension, yet make more and more promises of free bees. 

 Finally, the word community has the word unity in it.  It does not have diversity in it, nor does it have the word multicultural in it.  There is strength in unity, not in the foolish claim that there is strength in diversity.  A family, a community, a country to succeed and prosper must have shared values and purpose and unity.  After all we are the United State of America, the Diversified States of America.  We may become the Diversified States of America, but if that happens it will not last long and will bring on anarchy/revolution, because it has no Constitution, Rule of Law or true basis - it just more Hope & Change.  G


I did not post this paper because I agree with all its arguments.  I posted it to show that the idea of secession, which was almost unheard of a few years ago, is now common parlance among both conservatives and progressives.  It also appears to be gaining momentum.

That said, your arguments about constitution, rule of law, etc, are the exact reasons that I believe that secession is one of the most reasonable solutions for the current situation.  

The US Constitution is effectively dead. The Bill of Rights is effectively dead.  Our government is controlled by banking/corporate interests. That is agreed by now by both conservative and progressives. 

And the US Constitution in the first place never meant that a desire to secede by any of the several states would be a cause for a civil war against such state by the federal government.

Under such circumstances, the question is: What effective, non-violent, timely corrective measures are available?

Secession, or restoration of the right to secede are some of the most reasonable options.  It is sufficient that the right to secede is restored and a state, or group of states are seen as ready, willing able to secede for  the federal government to dramatically change its conduct.  (I believe that it would have to be a state or group of states with access to a sea port and a border with Canada or Mexico).

Examples of the desirable effect of the right to secede include Canada, where the threat of secession of Quebec will likely save the people of Canada from abuse by the banksters and large corporations of the type now seen in the United States.  The same is true for UK (in re Scotland).

Additionally, matters of representation and government accountability tend to work more efficiently in a smaller nation:  

* Iceland - so far the only nation, which managed to stand up to the banksters, has a total population of 320,000!  Iceland prosecuted its top politicians and banksters!

* In Israel, with a population of 7 millions, I am able to meet members of the legislature (Knesset) with little difficulty.  I was also recently asked by a representative of a social protest organization to start attending on a regular basis specific committee meetings of the legislature (Constitution and the Judiciary, Government Oversight).  The organization has created "The People's Knesset Guard".  The idea is to generate as large attendance as possible by the people in specific committees.  In such committees, representatives of the organization are even permitted to speak!  In Israel, a former president is in jail, former health minister, former minister of interior have recently finished serving time.  Foreign minister has just resigned the other day, since he is facing prosecution. The other day the news was that top  bankster is facing prosecution (we are yet to see how these two cases would be litigated...).  

* When was the last time that a US cabinet member was prosecuted, let alone jailed??? When was the last time that a top banking/corporate criminal was prosecuted, let alone jailed??? 

* Even the conduct of litigation in a small nation is different.  The former president (it all happened before I got here) almost escaped prosecution on sex crimes and the resulting prison sentence through a plea bargain and other manipulations.  Women went out to the streets, and  demanded review of the case in open court, no back room deals. The plea bargain was nixed, and the pres ended up in prison. (now he is asking for a pardon, since the other prisoners are not treating him nicely...)

* I simply cannot imagine in Iceland, Israel, or any civilized nation of similar size (Holland, Belgium, etc) the absurd situation we now face in the US, where a sitting president is clearly a fraud, on the basics of BC and SS #.  When I explain to people in Israel the socio-economic situation in the US today (the press here hardly reports it) they a) do not believe it, or b) say Americans are wusses...  

* In a nation, the size of the US, correction of current conditions may easily take 50-100 years, or more... and conditions are likely to get much worse before they ever get better.  In a smaller nation, correction is likely to be much faster and more effective.

Bottom line: 
If you like to live in a nation that is large, united, but fails to observe its own constitution and where the rule of law is a fiction, stay with the current setup. If you want a decent chance of restoration of civil society and the rule of law , secession, or even restoring the right to secede are some of the most effective, non-violent, timely ways to go.


12-12-20 Tabibi on the "War on Drugs"

Tabibi often keeps the punch lines out: a)  Never mentions the US gov involvement in the drug trade itself, b) Never mentions the significance of the narcodollars in keeping the banks solvent under the current crisis.  
I guess he does not want to be seen as a "radical". jz

Proof The Drug War Is A Joke'

By Matt Taibbi

December 19, 2012 "
Rolling Stone" -- If you've ever been arrested on a drug charge, if you've ever spent even a day in jail for having a stem of marijuana in your pocket or "drug paraphernalia" in your gym bag, Assistant Attorney General and longtime Bill Clinton pal Lanny Breuer has a message for you: Bite me.
Breuer this week signed off on a settlement deal with the British banking giant HSBC that is the ultimate insult to every ordinary person who's ever had his life altered by a narcotics charge. Despite the fact that HSBC admitted to laundering billions of dollars for Colombian and Mexican drug cartels (among others) and violating a host of important banking laws (from the Bank Secrecy Act to the Trading With the Enemy Act), Breuer and his Justice Department elected not to pursue criminal prosecutions of the bank, opting instead for a "record" financial settlement of $1.9 billion, which as one analyst noted is about five weeks of income for the bank.

12-12-20 Putin lecturing to the US on Human Rights - and rightly so!

"And Nobody Dies In Your Prisons?"
Russian Fury At U.S. Magnitsky Act
By Kommersant

"Listen, it's been eight years and Guantanamo is still not closed; people are held without a trial or an investigation, like in the Middle Ages; prisoners walk around in chains and shackles! People who open secret prisons, legalize torture without investigations! And now these people are now accusing us of somehow not being good enough! " Russian President Vladimir Putin   

12-12-19 Uniformed New York cops moonlight for banks

Am I reading this correctly???

NYPD officers work IN UNIFORM for the bank??? 

P.S. Come to think of it, judges already work part-time for the banks from the bench, the president already works part-time for the banks from the White House, Congress works part time for the banks, so why not police???

NYPD for hire: how uniformed New York cops moonlight for banks

By  (about the author)     Permalink
OpEdNews Op Eds 12/18/2012 at 00:24:52

Cross-posted from The Guardian

No one begrudges an officer doing security work in his own time, but the Paid Detail Unit creates worrying conflicts of interest 

NYPD officers
Last year, NYPD officers earned more than $11m in wages working for private corporations. Photograph: Monika Graff/Getty Images
I was surprised two weeks ago to walk into my local TD Bank, on Greenwich Avenue in the West Village, New York to find that the security officer who was usually standing by, on alert, had been replaced by a uniformed, armed, radio-carrying New York Police Department officer, Officer Battle. I confirmed from him that he was, in fact, an NYPD officer -- and was working part-time for TD bank.


12-12-19 The Will to Secede: Why It's Not Just a Right-Wing Fantasy


The Will to Secede: Why It's Not Just a Right-Wing Fantasy

Conversations about secession highlight a hidden, but not absent, existential aspect of the American nation-state: that union is no less a choice than disunion.
December 19, 2012  |  
Photo Credit: © Gwoeii/
Occupy! 11-12-10 Where should Occupy go next? Civil Disobedience in the footsteps of Thoreau and Gandhi!http :// Courts and Judges as racketeering enterprises under RICO (the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) - key element in the current financial crisis
Secede! The US in its current form is simply unmanageable...12-01-01 Secession - A Smart Business Move! Up, stand up, stand up for your rights! 
_____________________________Take away justice, then, and what are governments but great bandit bands?
Saint Augustine, Civitas Dei (City of God,4.4) 

12-12-19 Meanwhile, in Italy, Spain, Bahrian, Turkey, Hungary, Palestine...

  1. 17/12/12 Clashes erupted today in Manama, Bahrain, between protesters and police during an anti government protest. Many persons get arrested.
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  2. 17/12/12 President of Tunisia escaped from protesters in Sidi Buzid, Tunisia.
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  3. NOW! 18/12/12 Clashes in Karanah, Bahrain, between students and police. Police raided the high school and arrested many persons.
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  4. 17/12/12 Budapest - Thousands of Hungarian students rallied again piling pressure on the government to give up plans for cuts in state financing to higher education. The protesters marched through central Budapest to the public radio station which broadcast a summary of their demands. This was the third big rally against education reform plans since the government decided on sharp cuts in higher education earlier this month.
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  5. 18/12/12 Clashes between IKEA workers and police forces in front of the IKEA stablment in Bologna, Italy.
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  6. 18/12/12: Ankara, Turkey - Clashes occurred between students and mercenary police forces at Middle East Technical University (ODTU) before Prime Minister's Göktürk-2 satellite launching ceremony in the nation’s capital, Ankara. More than 20 persons get arrested.
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  7. 18/12/12: Ankara, Turkey - Clashes occurred between students and mercenary police forces at Middle East Technical University (ODTU) before Prime Minister's Göktürk-2 satellite launching ceremony in the nation’s capital, Ankara. More than 20 persons get arrested.
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  8. 18/12/12 Students in Ankara, Turkey, set the European's flag on fire to voice their strong opposition to the plan for the deployment of NATO patriot missiles on Turkish soil. On December 4, NATO approved Turkey's request for the deployment of Patriot surface-to-air missiles along its border with Syria.
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  9. 19/12/12 Demonstration in Madrid, Spain, against cuts and privitization of health care.
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  10. 19/12/12 Demonstration in Madrid, Spain, against cuts and privitization of health care.
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  11. 14/12/2010 Rome, Italy - Riot between protesters and police erupted in the streets of Rome during a national demonstration against Berlusconi's government and the privatization of public school. 23 people get arrested and more than 120 injured
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  12. 14/12/2010 Rome, Italy - Riot between protesters and police erupted in the streets of Rome during a national demonstration against Berlusconi's government and the privatization of public school. 23 people get arrested and more than 120 injured
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  13. 14/12/2010 Rome, Italy - Riot between protesters and police erupted in the streets of Rome during a national demonstration against Berlusconi's government and the privatization of public school. 23 people get arrested and more than 120 injured
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