Saturday, April 20, 2013

13-04-21 Israel: People v Banksters 1:0

Tycoon Nochi Dankner, Stanley Fischer with his newly acquired Israeli ID in 2005.
Over the past decade, the Israeli economy has been taken over by a handful of tycoons, some - related to the Russian mafia.  In parallel, poverty in Israel doubled, and the middle class is close to disappearing.
One of the highlights of the corruption, has been in the extension of credit to the tycoons, through publicly owned banks and through the issuance of publicly traded bonds, with no adequate controls and no adequate guarantees, through rampant conflicts of interests, and a web of nepotism .  Eventually, the risks are held by the institutional retirement funds of the working people.
Now this house of cards, partly built under the watchful eyes of Governor of Bank of Israel Stanley Fischer (Bernanke's teacher), is collapsing.  Stanley Fischer, the man of perfect timing (left Citibank at the right time) has recently announced his almost immediate early retirement (June 2013), hoping again to leave the scene before the collapse.
Now, one of the tycoons, Nochi Dankner, is defaulting on a sum, estimated at NIS 4 billions (~USD 500 millions).  In US terns, this is pocket money, but for the Israeli economy it is a dreadful sum.  In comparison, a national state budget deficit of NIS 20-40 billions is the reason for implementing harsh austerity measures, European style...
Last week, it was published that one of the major Israeli banks (Bank Leumi) is waiving Dankner's debt of NIS 200 millions, with no adverse effects on Dankner - leaving him in control of his business pyramid scheme. (a classic "haircut")
facebook and media protest erupted with promises of a boycott and demonstrations against the bank.
This morning, news says that a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Bank met for a special emergency meeting and canceled the previously approved waiver agreement.
Needless to say, corruption of the courts was and is essential part of the process.  Assistant Presiding Judge of the Tel Aviv Court Vardah AlSheikh was caught falsifying her own court records in a major haircut litigatation.  In this case, even the Israeli Bar demanded her removal from the bench.  Regardless, the Israeli Minister of Justice, the Israeli Presiding Justice of the Supreme Court refused to take action. She is still handling the major haircut cases...
There is nothing like the power of the People, and no replacement for it in any representative system... and none to blaim, but the People, when they subject themselves to abuse...
11-12-10 Where should Occupy go next? Civil Disobedience in the footsteps of Thoreau and Gandhi!http :// Courts and Judges as racketeering enterprises under RICO (the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) - key element in the current financial crisis! The US in its current form is simply unmanageable...12-01-01 Secession - A Smart Business Move! Up, stand up, stand up for your rights! 
_____________________________Take away justice, then, and what are governments but great bandit bands?Saint Augustine, Civitas Dei (City of God,4.4) 

13-04-20 Los Angeles under the Greater Depression

With all its vile, I miss LA.  Especially, since I know that I am unlikely to be able to ever enter the United States again, unless there is a regime change there.  I also am interested in the changes under the current Greater Depression: How many houses are under foreclosure if you drive through North Hollywood or the valley?  What percentage of the shops are boarded if you drive through Ventura Blvd? Hollywood Blvd? Melrose? Adams?  How many homeless people are on the street in Santa Monica?  I get some idea about how bad it is from visitors, who live there to Israel,  but the piece below gives you  the impression that LA under the Greater Depression left on a visitor to LA from elsehwere.
And we ain't seen nothing yet!

By Linh Dinh
Postcard from the End of America: Los Angeles
For those with lots of cash stashed away, the coming years will be an orgy of cheap thrills dished up, for next to nothing, by a ballooning army of increasingly desperate Americans. They won't just screw us figuratively, then toss us a penny. They will do it literally.

13-04-20 censors postings critical of the Israeli Supreme Court... - not a legitimate leaking stie! Even when comments are posted, "0" reads are listed.  Even Stanley Fischer is not accorded this level of protection...  and Israeli censorship on the itnernet is well advertized.  There was even a case when it was published that an Israeli judge approached Google to remove critical materials regarding the Israeli judiciary... jz

To find out who rules over you, simply determine who you're not allowed to criticize. ~ Voltaire

And here it is from Israel National News...

New Google Tool Reveals Worldwide Censorship Data

Internet users can now see how many times a government has asked Google to remove content. The US far outstrips Israel as a censor.


And check this out: The "Google Transparency Report" site, listing censorship cases by country, fails to list Israel at all...


13-04-20 Occupy Wall Street - the Illuminator Returns

Go Home

The Illuminator Returns to Wall Street for Tax Evaders Action

The Illuminator returned to Wall Street earlier this week, and just in time for tax season. To celebrate the occasion, occupiers went and projected a Wii-mote controlled videogame where the player fights greedy corporate tax evaders on the wall of one such greedy corporate tax evader, Citibank.
A good time was had by all, and there are many more actions planned for the days ahead. Stay tuned!

13-04-20 The criminal banking cartel

The Daily Bail

We watch CNBC so you don't have to...

How The Criminal Banking Cartel Is Destroying America

Part Two: How Obama Surrendered Sovereignty to the Criminal Banking Cartel
By John Titus
Summary of Part One:
The U.S. government openly conceded that its sovereign authority to enforce its own laws is gone when Attorney General Eric Holder testified that the Justice Department’s failure to prosecute any big banks is based on anonymous “expert” opinions that prosecutions would destabilize the financial system.
This notion of “systemic importance” has been thoroughly discredited. According to Tim Geithner, it’s an intellectually bankrupt phrase.  What’s more, it’s been debunked both legally and empirically, which is likely one reason the DOJ’s “experts” wish to remain anonymous.
If it turns out that these “experts” are in fact agents of the big banks whose crimes are being immunized by the very entities whose discredited opinions the DOJ is relying on, then those “opinions” are nothing more than assertions of criminal sovereign immunity—a privilege that is legally limited to the President of the United States.
Since “the King can do no wrong”—the legal foundation of sovereign immunity—the real King here is the criminally immune cartel of banks, not the President, since real sovereigns don’t surrender the right to enforce their laws.  And following the long series of unprosecuted crimes by the cartel, in which the President’s own constituents are the undisputed victims, “surrender” is the most charitable description of the Obama’s acts before the banking cartel.
Part Two: Inside The Criminal Banking Cartel
There are two very big and related clues as to the identity of the anonymous experts behind whose opinions U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder hides whenever explaining away his failure to prosecute big banks on the basis of their “systemic importance.”
The first, noted in an article last week by Golem XIV, is a list of international banks that parade under the rather obvious label of “Globally Systemically Important Financial Institutions,” or G-SIFIs. There are 28 banks in total, 9 of them headquartered in the U.S.:
Deustsche Bank
JP Morgan Chase
BNP Paribas
Bank of America
Bank of New York Mellon
Credit Suisse
Goldman Sachs
Mitsubishi UFJ FG
Morgan Stanley
Royal Bank of Scotland
Bank of China
Group BPCE
Group Credit Agricole
ING Bank
Mizuho FG
Societe Generale
Standard Chartered
State Street
Sumitomo Mitsui FG
Unicredit Group
Wells Fargo

13-04-20 US: Prosecution of Occupy people, against the better judgment of the District Attorney...

While no prosecution of top banksters, a judge denies the right of the DA to decide on whom to prosecute.. jz
JD Journal

Albany City Judge Rules Prosecutors Cannot Abandon Prosecution of Occupy Protesters

After the November 2011 protests by the Occupy Wall Street movement, Albany County District Attorney P. David Soares had announced that he would not prosecute protesters for low-level offenses, as because it was not worth the resources of his office.

In March 2012, Albany City Judge Thomas Keefe dismissed charges against 88 Occupy members on the grounds that the DA has refused to prosecute. At the time, Keene found that the district attorney had the authority to decide how to allocate office resources, as long as that allocation was unbiased.

However, on Friday, Albany City Judge William Carter found Soares had not given a reason that was legally sufficient to refuse prosecution of disorderly conduct against four persons who took part in a 2012 protest organized by Occupy.