Monday, July 28, 2014

2014-07-29 Hello world!

29/7 @ 08:06 : Israel, IL
29/7 @ 06:19 : Jackson Heights, New York, US
29/7 @ 05:55 : Clermont-ferrand, FR
29/7 @ 05:25 : Cape Coral, Florida, US
29/7 @ 04:47 : Ajax, CA
29/7 @ 02:51 : Wakefield, Rhode Island, US
29/7 @ 02:47 : Hamburg, DE
29/7 @ 02:21 : Hollywood, Florida, US
29/7 @ 01:31 : Tel Aviv, IL
29/7 @ 01:14 : Ireland, IE

2014-07-27 US in the "post-constitutional" period

Comment by a reader:

2014-07-28 US murderous police: Cop Shoots Drunk Man to Death After Forcing Him to Drive a Car [Video]

===2014-07-28 US murderous police: Cop Shoots Drunk Man to Death After Forcing Him to Drive a Car [Video]===
By April M. Short, AlterNet
50 cameras captured the scene but the cop wasn't punished. Now the victim's family is suing. READ MORE»

2014-07-28 EU: US urgently needs your help!

===2014-07-28 EU: US urgently needs your help!===
The writer is former senior Reagan administration official...
By Paul Craig Roberts
The World Is Doomed By Western Insouciance 
Washington now has in motion the wheels of war. Once the wheels of war begin to turn, momentum carries them forward. The foolish, indeed utterly stupid, governments and media in Europe seem unaware of Washington's orchestration of their future or lack thereof, or they are indifferent to it. They are dooming themselves and all of humanity by their insouciance.

2014-07-28 Hello world!

28/7 @ 13:19 : Tel Aviv, IL
28/7 @ 11:53 : Roscrea, IE
28/7 @ 11:14 : Eagle Mountain, Utah, US
28/7 @ 09:38 : Konstanz, DE
28/7 @ 09:01 : Israel, IL
28/7 @ 08:24 : Paris, FR
28/7 @ 07:54 : United States, US
28/7 @ 05:28 : Gilbert, Arizona, US
28/7 @ 03:02 : Tokyo, JP
28/7 @ 02:39 : Williton, GB
28/7 @ 02:37 : Griffin, Georgia, US