Friday, October 24, 2014

2014-10-24 Hello world!

24.10.2014 @ 11:28 : Forsyth, Georgia, US
24.10.2014 @ 10:22 : Mountain View, California, US
24.10.2014 @ 09:09 : Moscow, RU
24.10.2014 @ 08:17 : Poway, California, US
24.10.2014 @ 08:11 : Yemen, YE
24.10.2014 @ 05:41 : Holualoa, Hawaii, US
24.10.2014 @ 04:47 : Brooklyn, New York, US
24.10.2014 @ 04:18 : Mountain View, California, US
24.10.2014 @ 03:36 : London, GB
24.10.2014 @ 02:04 : Los Angeles, California, US

2014-10-24 SNOWDEN on patriotism

2014-10-24 SNOWDEN on patriotism
A preview of a wide-ranging conversation on surveillance, technology and politics with Edward Snowden.

2014-10-24 US: IRS Whistleblowers: Agency Executives Behind Multibillion-Dollar Corporate Tax Giveaways

2014-10-24 US: IRS Whistleblowers: Agency Executives Behind Multibillion-Dollar Corporate Tax Giveaways
Nafeez Ahmed, Truthout: A veteran Internal Revenue Service attorney demands a Congressional audit of the IRS to investigate the agency's alleged role in allowing US corporations to illegally avoid paying billions of dollars in taxes even as it cracks down on individuals and small businesses.
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2014-10-24 US: Don't Ask the Pentagon Where Its Money Goes

2014-10-24 US: Don't Ask the Pentagon Where Its Money Goes
Medea Benjamin, OtherWords: Every taxpayer, business and government agency in the United States is supposed to be able to pass a financial audit by the feds, every year. It's the law, so we do our duty. There's one exception: the Pentagon.
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It won't tell.

2014-10-24 US: "be on fire for justice" - Cornel West

2014-10-24 US: "be on fire for justice" - Cornel West 
Cornel West | Why We Need to Talk About Black Prophetic Fire
Cornel West, Beacon Press: Black Prophetic Fire is a clarion call "to be on fire for justice." Cornel West explores whether the soul of the United States can be salvaged by a rekindling of the black prophetic tradition.
Read the Excerpt
Cornel West explores whether the soul of the United States can be salvaged by a rekindling the Black prophetic tradition.

2014-10-24 GERMANY: Slump in pro-US newspaper/newsmagazine sales

7 hrs · 
2014-10-24 GERMANY: Slump in pro-US newspaper/newsmagazine sales
[via Anonymous Berlin]
Major decline from same period last year. Anonymous ties the decline to the blatant pro US stance of these publications, which generated objections in Germany.
Left-leaning publications shows smaller declines, or even gains.
Massive slump: in the editorial offices of foreign controlled US opinion makers, the grim reaper walks around, there is grave digger mood. Whether newspapers or magazines: there have been reported [1] [2] partly drastic loss of sales compared to the same period last year. So the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" lost 5.76 percent of their circulation. 379.798 copies the "SZ" is the highest-circulation German daily newspaper after the "image" but still. The sold copies of the "Frankfurter Allgemeine" down by 8.7 percent to 305.747 copies, "Die Welt" ("World" + "Welt Kompakt") loses even double digits and ends up at a decline of 10 percent in a sold circulation of 202.630 copies. Especially in the retail, it went down for the daily violent 25.6 percent of Axel Springer. Despite a decline of 8.4 percent, highest-circulation daily newspaper remains the "image" with a sold circulation amounting to 2.313.130 copies. Among the magazines der Spiegel (- 6.4%) could the worst numbers present. ^ ^ the link alternative "taz" comes with a blue eye of them and achieved a sold circulation of 54.806 copies, which "New Germany" edition of the Socialist daily newspaper about 6.6 percent to 28.257 copies at a minus 3.6 percent back [3].
This is a reason to celebrate - at least to anyone who no longer add themselves to the feeble rest of the now completely idiot readership. In this sense: Cheers!
Cross references: [1] falling sales: mainstream crashes [2] print / MEEDIA analysis [3] Aufflagen IVW 3/2014: "Handelsblatt" sets as the only national newspaper to (Translated by Bing)
Massiver Absatzeinbruch: In den Redaktionen der fremdgesteuerten US-Meinungsmacher geht der Sensenmann herum, es herrscht Totengräberstimmung. Egal, ob Zeitungen oder Magazine: Es wurden teils drastische Verkaufseinbußen im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum gemeldet[1][2]. So büßte die "Süddeutsche Zeitung" 5,76 Prozent ihrer verkauften Auflage ein. Mit 379.798 Exemplaren ist die "SZ" nach der "Bild" aber nach wie vor die auflagenstärkste deutsche Tageszeitung. Die verkaufte Auflage der "Frankfurter Allgemeinen" sinkt um 8,7 Prozent auf 305.747 Exemplare, "Die Welt" ("Welt" + "Welt Kompakt") verliert sogar zweistellig und landet bei einem Minus von 10 Prozent bei einer verkauften Auflage von 202.630 Exemplaren. Vor allem im Einzelverkauf ging es für die Tageszeitung von Axel Springer um heftige 25,6 Prozent abwärts. Auflagenstärkste Tageszeitung bleibt trotz einem Minus von 8,4 Prozent die "Bild" mit einer verkauften Auflage in Höhe von 2.313.130 Exemplaren. Unter den Magazinen konnte der Spiegel (-6,4%) die schlechtesten Zahlen vorweisen.^^
Die linksalternative "taz" kommt mit einem blauen Auge davon und erzielt bei einem Minus von 3,6 Prozent eine verkaufte Auflage von 54.806 Exemplaren, die Auflage der sozialistischen Tageszeitung "Neues Deutschland" geht um 6,6 Prozent auf 28.257 Exemplare zurück[3].
Das ist ein Grund zu feiern - zumindest für jeden der sich nicht mehr zum kläglichen Rest der inzwischen völlig verblödeten Leserschaft, hinzuzählt. In diesem Sinne: Prost!
[3] Aufflagen IVW 3/2014: "Handelsblatt" legt als einzige überregionale Zeitung zu

2014-10-23 PALESTINE: Israeli citizens' petition, calling upon foreign parliaments to recognize Palestine!

2014-10-23 PALESTINE: Israeli citizens' petition, calling upon foreign parliaments to recognize Palestine!
Time to move on!
בהמשך למכתב התמיכה של מאות אזרחים ישראלים בדיון בפרלמנט הבריטי על הכרה במדינה פלסטינית, יישלח מכתב דומה לקראת הצבעה שתהיה בעוד כשבועיים, בפרלמנט הספרדי, ואנו מבקשים את...

2014-10-23 US: SLAVERY!

2014-10-23 US: SLAVERY!
The 2010 UN Human Rights Council report called upon the US to abolish slavery!
Shocking Stat: Modern-Day America Has 870,000 Slaves
By Allegra Kirkland, AlterNet
An investigation into the prison labor industry unearths shocking conditions and rampant wage theft.
An 'American Prospect' investigation into the prison labor industry unearths shocking conditions and rampant wage theft.

2014-10-23 IRAQ: Massive Depleted Uranium contamination!

2014-10-23 IRAQ: Massive Depleted Uranium contamination!
The US purported to invade Iraq to protect against non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction. In the process, the US made, for the first time in warfare's history, massive use of Depleted Uranium - a Weapon of Mass Destruction.
What could be the rationale behind the use of Depleted Uranium in warfare??? jz
Dahr Jamail: Iraqi Doctors Call US Depleted Uranium Use "Genocide" :
Official Iraqi government statistics show that, prior to the outbreak of the first Gulf War in 1991, the country's rate of cancer cases was 40 out of 100,000 people. By 1995, it had increased to 800 out of 100,000 people, and, by 2005, it had doubled to at least 1,600 out of 100,000 people
Contamination from depleted uranium munitions is causing sharp rises in congenital birth defects, cancer cases and other illnesses throughout much of Iraq.

2014-10-23 US: Outrageous hypcricy against whistle-blower Snowden!

2014-10-23 US: Outrageous hypcricy against whistle-blower Snowden!
No senior US officials has called so far for holding accountable any of those, who violated the US Constitution! But numerous US officials have called for the imprisonment, if not the killing of Snowden. Here - for a captial punishment prosecution...
The persecution of whistle-blowers is a cardinal sign of a totalitarian regime!
Edward Snowden Should Be Charged With Murder, Says Congressman Mike Rogers:
Republican Mike Rogers, the chairman of the House of Representatives intelligence committee, told a meeting in the House of Commons in London on Tuesday evening that Snowden was a "traitor" who was now living in the "loving arms" of Russian spies.
Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower who revealed the extent of American and British surveillance programmes, should be charged with murder, according to a...

2014-10-23 PALESTINE: Irish senators have agreed to recognise Palestine as an independent state:

2014-10-23 PALESTINE: Irish senators have agreed to recognise Palestine as an independent state:
"The more countries that recognise the State of Palestine, the greater the pressure on Israel to end its illegal occupation and agree to a long-term peace agreement in the region.
It’s now calling on the Dáil to do the same.