Monday, October 27, 2014

2014-10-27 Hello world!

27.10.2014 @ 10:24 : Dallas, Texas, US
27.10.2014 @ 07:13 : Scottsdale, Arizona, US
27.10.2014 @ 06:23 : Israel, IL
27.10.2014 @ 04:52 : Oakland, California, US
27.10.2014 @ 03:33 : Overland Park, Kansas, US
27.10.2014 @ 03:21 : Yemen, YE
27.10.2014 @ 01:24 : Alhambra, California, US
26.10.2014 @ 18:24 : Quezon City, PH
26.10.2014 @ 15:02 : Los Angeles, California, US
26.10.2014 @ 14:32 : Noble Park, AU

2014-10-27 GERMANY: Finance Minister (Christian Democratic Union) Wolfgang Schäuble supports enactment of "conspiracy" laws

2014-10-27 GERMANY: Finance Minister (Christian Democratic Union) Wolfgang Schäuble supports enactment of "conspiracy" laws
[via Anonymous Berlin]
Such laws, based on the nebulous definitions of "Terror" and "Extremism" are following the trend in the US, permitting suppression of legitimate political dissent. jz
Who will save us from Grandpa? In addition to Merkel seems also Schäuble at a disastrous brain abnormality to suffer. For the purposes of improved security, Schäuble wants to introduce the offence of conspiracy, which it legitimized, to liquidate the so-called extremists before committing a violent act by minions specifically Germany. Who is that in the face of IS and co. acceptable, be hereby warned. In fact, Schäuble dares the advance to further erode the rule of law. Terms such as "Extremist" or "Terrorist" are elastic as chewing gum. Through the eyes of Wang Berlin power politician, already the leader of protest could be "extreme". It is and remains a matter of interpretation. On the accusation, to expand the rule of law, Schäuble dismissed with the words to the limits: "The police laws of the countries there in the so-called final rescue shot long ago."
ehr, wollte Schäuble bereits 2007 den Straftatbestand der Verschwörung einführen, der es legitimiert, sogenannte Extremisten vor dem Begehen einer Gewalttat durch Schergen des BRD-Regimes gezielt liquidieren zu lassen. Aktuell wird in Unionskreisen erneut darüber diskutiert. Wer das angesichts von IS und Co. für vertretbar hält, sei hiermit gewarnt. In Wirklichkeit wagt Schäuble den Vorstoß den Rechtsstaat weiter auszuhebeln. Begrifflichkeiten wie "Extremist" oder "Terrorist" sind dehnbar wie Kaugummi. Durch die Augen wirrer Berliner Machtpolitiker, könnte schon der Wortführer eines Protestes "extrem" sein. Es ist und bleibt Auslegungssache. Wer sich derartige Machtbefugnisse einrichtet, nutzt diese auch vollständig aus. Den Platz in deutschen Pathologien müssten sich aufmüpfige deutsche Wutbürger und vermeintliche Dschihadisten gleichermaßen teilen. Auf den Vorwurf, den Rechtsstaat bis an die Grenzen zu dehnen, wies Schäuble lapidar mit dem Satz: "In den Polizeigesetzen der Länder gebe es längst den so genannten finalen Rettungsschuss." zurück.

2014-10-27 Capitalism nearing the end-game...

2014-10-27 Capitalism nearing the end-game...
[via Occupy Wall St.]
Contrary to what the post suggests, Capitalism would not be killed, but transformed into its end-form - a medeival system of serfs and masters... And that was the obvious objective for a long time...

2014-10-27 Cold War 2.0 - the Russian perspective

2014-10-27 Cold War 2.0 - the Russian perspective
[via Coleen Rowley]
Thanks Arno Develay. I haven't yet listened to all of this yet, I'm just listening right now to Putin's speech. I think it's important. What they are calling a "game without rules" mirrors what Bromwich describes as "American Exceptionalism" claiming that the U.S. as sole superpower is above the laws that apply to others.
Russian President Vladimir Putin is delivering a speech at the plenary session of Valdai International Discussion Club, a forum involving the world leading e...

2014-10-27 PALESTINE: The Kids Intifadah

2014-10-27 PALESTINE: The Kids Intifadah
[via Occupy Wall St.]
# See.. Avatar machine young Jerusalemites in clashes shortly before the occupation in Silwan (Translated by Bing)
Shehab News Agency uploaded a new video.
‫#‏شاهد‬ .. بسـالة الشبان المقدسيين في مواجهات الاحتلال قبل قليل في سلوان
# See.. Avatar machine young Jerusalemites in clashes shortly before the occupation in Silwan (Translated by Bing)

ISRAEL: President officially apologizes to Israeli-Arabs for 1956 massacre: "terrible crime... dark chapter..."

ISRAEL: President officially apologizes to Israeli-Arabs for 1956 massacre: "terrible crime... dark chapter..."
New maverick Israeli President was elected regardless of massive efforts by Netanyahu to scuttle his election.
Israeli President Reuven Rivlin made a historic visit to the Israeli Arab village of Kfar Qasim on Sunday and condemned a 1956 massacre conducted by Israeli security...

2014-10-27 PALESTINE!

2014-10-27 PALESTINE!
Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon has decided Palestinians working in Israel should only be able to return home to West Bank via a single crossing and should not...

2014-10-27 BRAZIL: Victory for BRICS, a loss for the US

2014-10-27 BRAZIL: Victory for BRICS, a loss for the US
This time around, no US-inspired military coup is likely... US is losing its grip on Latin America!
Brazil’s leftist president Dilma Rousseff has been re-elected for another term with over 51 percent of the vote in a tight presidential run-off on Sunday.

2014-10-26 Cave Elegance in Jerusalem!

Cave Elegance in Jerusalem! Provided by a very special guest & international model!
 — with Marianne Hatchwell and Joseph Zernik.

2014-10-25 US under the Greater Depression: Most of the people are getting poorer, some - fabulously rich!

2014-10-25 US under the Greater Depression: Most of the people are getting poorer, some - fabulously rich!
The American Dream is slipping further away from the vast majority of Americans than it has in a quarter century. Now 90 percent of US households are poorer than they were in 1987, according to both a new study and the head of the Federal Reserve.

2014-10-25 PALESTINE: The Kids Intifadah

2014-10-25 PALESTINE: The Kids Intifadah
IDF shot to death a 16 yo near Ramallah. IDF claims the boy threw a molotov cocktail bottle.
על רקע המתיחות בבירה: כוח צנחנים שהיה במארב בכפר סילוואד זיהה כי הנער משליך בקבוק תבערה לעבר ציר 60, ופתח לעברו באש. הוא פונה לבית החולים ברמאללה,...