2015-04-02 What is"Conspiracy Theory"? Any attempt to expose crimes by government...
[via Anonymous Berlin]
The term was created by CIA in the aftermath of the Kennedy assassination, and widespread allegations of CIA involvement...
What do you mean conspiracy theory? «Who people as "conspiracy theorists"referred to, the issues critical and dismiss the obvious serious crimes by ruling politicians, industry bosses and journalists as "Conspiracy theory", without having even an argument, which not only of complicity, are guilty but footballer to come out at the same time as a paid friend of American foreign secret service CIA. Because this has the words"conspiracy theorists"&"conspiracy theory"once created, thus today to make silence critics [1] [2].
Michael Lehner / NEOPresse - independent news
Each critical man who away from the direction of predetermined by the "Quality media" and political actors, topics, events and other servant lands inevitably in the drawer of the conspiracy theorist WTC7 as employs third high-rise on that day, or of dealing in this case with the origins of the Islamic State or provides also questions the CDC patent relating to Ebola, is critical, for example, with 9/11 and the collapse of the building. Called conspiracy theory according to Wikipedia:
[...] in the broadest sense any attempt, an event to explain a State of or a development by a conspiracy, so by targeted, conspiratorial casting people for a purpose that is illegal or illegitimate. The term conspiracy theory is used mostly critical or derogatory.[...]
But where does this notion of conspiracy theory or why is the stigma that someone a conspiracy theorist, to equate the public "execution" as a Spinner or unworldly?
Interestingly the term conspiracy theory came up for the first time in the media after the announcement of the Warren report on the assassination of John F. Kennedy, muzzled wanted to make with the following document by the CIA kritik(er) on the report and to the Commission, which has created it, and for the first time in the corner of the conspiracy theorists put them, in which they gave real tips to the dealing with "unpleasant critics" and how you can meet these:
The CIA Document # 1035-960
Re: regarding criticism of the Warren report
1. our concern. Since the day of the assassination of President Kennedy, there was speculation about the responsibility for the murder. Although this a time long originated in the report of the Warren Commission (which appeared at the end of September 1964) have, different authors have had time to examine the Commission's published report and other documents to new pretexts for a survey and there to find, has given a new wave of books and articles, criticize the Commission's conclusions. In most cases, the critics of the existence of some kind of conspiracy speculate, and often they imply thereby that the Commission was itself involved. Probably as a result of the increasing challenges regarding the report of that Commission, Warren, an opinion poll conducted recently indicated that 46% do not believe the American public that Oswald alone has acted, while more than half of the respondents believes that the Commission has left some questions open and unresolved. Polls show no doubt in foreign similar or possibly even far unerwünschtere results.
2. this opinion trend is not the concern of the U.S. Government, including our Organization. The members of Warren Commission were naturally selected due to their integrity, experience and reputation. They represent the two major parties, and they and their staff were selected from all parts of the country. Alone due to the prestige of the Commissioners, are efforts to challenge their righteousness and wisdom, as doubts about the whole leadership of the American society. Moreover, there seems an increasing trend that President Johnson himself, to have, as the person said to the of which benefits would be responsible in some way for the assassination.
In allusion to the seriousness, that has not only effects on the affected individual, but also on the whole reputation of the American Government. Our Organization is in itself directly involved: in addition to other facts, we have contributed information to the investigation. Conspiracy theories have again and again our organization suspected of, for example, by falsely claiming that Lee Harvey Oswald worked for us. The goal of this design is to provide material that counteracts the, and to discredit the claims of the conspiracy theorists, as well as to prevent the spread of such allegations in other countries. More background information delivered in a secret section and in a series of no secret annexes.
3. action. We do not recommend that the discussion on the question of assassination is initiated, if it's not already happening. Where the debate, certain speeches should be made:
a. If you public opinion (in the original English problem, note d. Verf.) with [?, illegible] and discussed tuned friendly elite contacts (particularly politicians and editors), it indicates that the Warren the investigation so thoroughly, has made Commission as humanly possible, and that the charges of critics without serious basis are that plays a more speculative discussion only in the hands of the opposition. Indicate that parts of the conspiracy talks seemingly deliberately generated by Communist propagandists. They ask, that they exert their influence, so that the unfounded and irresponsible speculation is discouraged.
b. benefits you propaganda techniques, to [negate] and refute the attacks of critics. Book reviews and reports are particularly suitable for this purpose. The unclassified systems to these guidelines should provide useful background material for the dissemination of techniques. As part of our approach we should indicate, where applicable, the critics build theories (I) before the evidence is available, (II) political interests, (III) financial interests have, (IV) hasty and inaccurate in their research or fond (V) in their own theories. In the course of the discussions on the whole phenomenon of criticism, a meaningful strategy can be to single out Epstein theory of the attack, in which you the enclosed Fletcher [?] Report uses as a background article and the spectator. (Although Mark lanes book much less convincing than Epstein and it comes off badly, when one is confronted by experienced critics, it is also much harder to answer everything in its entirety because it is lost in a morass of details do not belong together.)
4. in private a media discussion takes place, which does not relate to a specific author, or if there are attacked publications that are still not widely used, the following arguments should be useful:
a. it no substantial new evidence surfaced, that the Commission has not checked. The assassination is compared sometimes (E.g. by Joachim Joesten and Bertrand Russell) with the Dreyfus affair; but in contrast to this case, the attack on the Warren has produced no new evidence Commission, no new guilty convincingly identified, and there is no agreement among the critics. (A better parallel, albeit an imperfect one, could be drawn to the Reichstag fire of 1933, by some competent historian (Fritz Tobias, AJ.P. Taylor, DC Watt) now accept that it was committed by Vander Lubbe on its own initiative, without either the Nazis or the Communists to act; the Nazis tried to shift the blame on the Communists, but the latter had more success the world to convince that the Nazis have been guilty).
b. critics overstate usually specific things and ignore others. They tend to be more weight the memories of individual witnesses and less of ballistics, autopsy to give (less are reliable and fact - and therefore more starting points offer for criticism) and photographic evidence. A close examination of the records of the Commission will usually show that the contradictory testimony out of context are torn, or were rejected by the Commission for good and sufficient reason.
c. large claimed conspiracies would be impossible to hide, especially since whistleblowers can expect to receive large sums of money, etc. in the United States. Keep in mind that Robert Kennedy, then Attorney General, and John F. Kennedy's brother, would have been the last man who could see a conspiracy or hidden. And as one reviewer pointed out, the Congressman Gerald R. Ford had collected will hardly his voice to the democratic Government and Senator Russell had every political interest for a ceiling of a misconduct on the part of Chief Justice Warren. A conspirator had selected also hardly any place for an attack, where so much of conditions depended, that are beyond his control: the route, the speed of the cars, the moving target, the risk that the assassin would be discovered. A group of wealthy conspirators could have arranged much safer conditions.
d. critics are often tempted by a form of intellectual pride: they put on some theories and fall into it. they have ridiculed the Commission because she answered not getting any question with a simple statement - on the one or other kind -. Actually an excellent protection against it was the presence of the Commission and that their employees to commit a certain theory or against the unauthorized transformation of probabilities into certainties.
e. Oswald would have been no choice as co-conspirators for each reasonable people. He was a "loner", implicated in much of questionable reliability and an unknown quantity for each professional intelligence.
(f). The allegations that the Commission's report was a fast-running mission, is to say that it was published after the original date of three months. To the extent that the Commission tried to accelerate their coverage, this was due above all the pressure of irresponsible speculation, that already occurred. In some cases came from the same critics who refused comment on their mistakes to admit and now new new criticism.
d. such vague allegations, such as that "more than 10 people mysteriously died" always somehow can be explained naturally, for example: people have died for the most part of a natural death; Commission staff surveyed 418 witnesses (the FBI asked far more people, 25,000 interviews and re-interviews), and in a large group to expect a certain number of deaths. (Penn Jones, one of the founders of the "ten mysterious deaths"-thesis, television appeared, it turned out that two of the dead on his list because of heart attacks died, one because of cancer, one in a head-on collision on a bridge, and one as a driver against a bridge abutment ascended.)
5. If possible, encourage to counter speculation, referring to the report of the Commission itself. Foreign readers closed to should be impressed by the diligence, thoroughness, objectivity, and speed with which the Commission worked. Reviewers of other books might be encouraged that they could consider the idea into consideration and add that, looking back consider it the work of their critics to be far superior to the report itself.
As far as the CIA document from the year 1968. Of course, since that time, the techniques were refined, psychologically backed, and medial support. But it shows very well in how far you can make unpopular questions, criticism and critics in a particular light and undermining their credibility.
Who wants to read also mentioned annexes (in English), can do this, for example, here:
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