Tuesday, February 2, 2016

2016-02-02 JERUSALEM: Routines of the occupation...

2016-02-02 JERUSALEM: Routines of the occupation...
Still brain dead - 12 yo Ahmed Abu Hummus, hit a month ago by IDF rubber bullet in his head. HERE: Hebrew update today. In comment: Original report in English a month ago.
אחמד אבו חומוס נפצע מירי לוחמי מג"ב בעת עימות עם מפגינים במזרח ירושלים. לפני כשבוע הוא הועבר לבית חולים שיקומי בעיר. "הוא מזיז את הגוף אבל המוח לא עובד", אמר אביו

2016-02-02 PALESTINE: Right now, south of Hebron, one of the largest demolition operations ever...

2016-02-02 PALESTINE: Right now, south of Hebron, one of the largest demolition operations ever...
IDF declared a large area in the southern Hebron mountains "military zone", and started demolishing the homes of Palestinians living there, expelling them from the areas. In the same area there are a couple of Jewish settlements, which remain untouched.
Effectively - ethnic cleansing.
The report is by "Breaking the Silence" an Israeli Human Rights organization, which documents abuse in Palestine, and is itself a major target of abuse and incitement by the Israeli gov.
שוברים שתיקה‎ added 6 new photos.
9 hrs
ברגעים אלו ממש>> מבצע הריסות הגדול ביותר מזה מעל לעשור בדרום הר חברון בכפרים ג'ינבה וחלוואה, דחפורי המנהל האזרחי הרסו כבר מעל ל-24 מבנים והשאירו עשרות בני אדם ללא קורת גג. זהו עוד צעד בניסיון לגרש את התושבים הפלסטיניים משטח אש 918.
"מה ידעת על שטח אש 918?
השטח הזה מסומן במפה בקו צהוב מסביבו. שאלתי אם גרים שם תושבים, אמרו לי שלא, שאף אחד לא גר שם כי זה שטח אש. אמרתי ששמעתי שיש שם תושבים בדואים שרוצים לפנות אותם. המ"פ שלי עוד אמר לי "זה שטח אש ששייך לצה"ל, פלשו אליו כמה פלסטינים, כמה בדואים, וכנראה בקרוב יפנו אותם משם." (רס"ל, מילואים - שריון 455, אזור חברון, 2013)

2016-02-02 BEAT OF THE REVOLUTION - in the headlines...

2016-02-02 BEAT OF THE REVOLUTION - in the headlines...
קצב המהפכה- מתופפים למען שינוי חברתי בחדשות...

Moi on the right in the Cossack outfit with the fake black fur hat, mustache ... big samba drum.
The Marker - one of Israel's leading business dailies features us today in a report on the gas cartel...

אוניברסיטת חיפה, בשם האגודה לצדק חלוקתי, טוענת כי דחיית פיתוחו של מאגר לווייתן וההקלות ביצוא הגז שנקבעו במתווה מנוגדות לחוק ויש לבטלן ■ בית המשפט העליון אישר את הגשת העתירה - שלושה ימים לפני הדיון בבג"ץ בכלל העתירות שהוגשו נגד מתווה הגז

2016-02-02 ISRAEL: Solution discovered for increasing international isolation...

2016-02-02 ISRAEL: Solution discovered for increasing international isolation...
Today's news: New government department, headed by a former Secret Police (Shin Bet) officer, is being established, to collect worldwide intelligence on individuals and organizations supporting BDS, etc...
עשרות מברקים שמגיעים מדי חודש למשרד החוץ מנציגויות באירופה ובארה"ב מתארים עליית מדרגה בפעילות תנועת החרם העולמית BDS

2016-02-02 US: FINALLY! A timely reminder for the plebs going to the circus...smile emoticon

2016-02-02 US: FINALLY! A timely reminder for the plebs going to the circus...smile emoticon
Michael Elta
B.. people rallying to FKtard A or FKtard B..
at this point is PROPAGANDA.. 'Voting' is IMMORAL anyway..
do not Contaminated yourself with this Process.. TheEND..

2016-02-02 PALESTINE: Routines of the occupation...

2016-02-02 PALESTINE: Routines of the occupation...
Ramallah, the effective capital of Palestine, is under IDF blockade today - collective punishment for the shooting yesterday of IDF soldiers.
Tamar Fleishman
23 hrs
העיר רמאללה מכותרת מהבוקר.
זו לא ענישה על אירוע הירי במחסום ה- VIP (שבכניסה לרמאללה) טען דו"צ,
זה בגלל שיש מידע על פיגועים שמתוכננים לצאת מהעיר.
אם להאמין לדו"צ (וזה לא ממש קל לי) שזו לא ענישה, איך אפשר להסביר את העובדה שכבר אתמול, מיד אחרי אירוע הירי במחסום ולילה לפני הכביכול ההתרעה החמה נסגרו צירי תנועה מרכזיים מסביב לרמאללה?
לא ענישה אעלק?

2016-02-01 PALESTINE: Increasing international recognition of the illegitimacy of Israeli settlements

2016-02-01 PALESTINE: Increasing international recognition of the illegitimacy of Israeli settlements
The Obama administration took a leap in its campaign against illegal Israeli settlements this week, when the U.S. Customs issued a reminder about a regulation…

2016-02-01 UKRAINE: Maidan and the roots of the Ukrainian "Revolution"...

2016-02-01 UKRAINE: Maidan and the roots of the Ukrainian "Revolution"...
Key event in the Propaganda Wars of Cold War 2.0...
Ukraine’s authorities have urged a French broadcaster to take a documentary titled “Masks of Revolution” off the air. They claim the movie misrepresents Maidan…

2016-02-01 ISRAEL: When equality is the biggest existential threat of all

2016-02-01 ISRAEL: When equality is the biggest existential threat of all
In these days of entrapping human rights activists and blacklisting ‘traitors,’ the concept of equality has become as radical as it gets — and a threat to everything the governing regime stands for.
In these days of entrapping human rights activists and blacklisting ‘traitors,’ the…

2016-02-01 ISRAEL: Netanyahu's race-baiting was long-planned, not a 'lapse in judgement'

2016-02-01 ISRAEL: Netanyahu's race-baiting was long-planned, not a 'lapse in judgement'
The prime minister’s Election Day warning that ‘Arabs are coming out in droves to the polls’ was the culmination of months of focus groups and a clear-eyed strategy from Likud operatives, a new Channel 2 report reveals.
The prime minister’s Election Day warning that ‘Arabs are coming out in droves to…

2016-02-01 PALESTINE: Are we witnessing the end of normalcy for Israeli settlements?

2016-02-01 PALESTINE: Are we witnessing the end of normalcy for Israeli settlements?
Stricter trade guidelines, harsher rhetoric and corporate responsibility campaigns all send a clear message: Israel’s closest allies are no longer willing to passively accept the occupation, and the only consensus on settlements is that they are illegal.
Stricter trade guidelines, harsher rhetoric and corporate responsibility campaigns all…

2016-01-31 PALESTINE: First visit allowed of hunger striker, detained journalist Mohammad al-Qiq

2016-01-31 PALESTINE: First visit allowed of hunger striker, detained journalist Mohammad al-Qiq
All visits in the hospital, where al-Qiq is in critical condition, but still shackled to his bed, on top of the 24/7 wardens, were previously forbidden.
القائمة المشتركة‎ added 2 new photos.
بعد منع دام لاكثر من شهرين، النائب اسامة سعدي يزور الاسير محمد القيق
بعد صد ورد مع وزارة الامن الداخلي وادارة مصلحة السجون وبعد تهديد وضغط القائمة المشتركة برفع الامر الى المحكمة العليا، اتيح للنائب اسامة سعدي، رئيس لجنة الاسرى في القائمة المشتركة، اليوم (الاحد)، بزيارة الاسير الاداري، الصحفي محمد القيق في مستشفى العفولة، حيث نقل الى هناك بعد تدهور خطير طرأ على صحته بسبب اضرابه المتواصل عن الطعام لاكثر من 68 يوما.
هذا واكد النائب السعدي ان وضع الاسير الصحي يزداد تدهورا وخطورة حيث فقد القدرة على النطق ويتواصل مع الاطباء عن طريق الكتابة والاشارة، وهو لم يغادر السرير لاكثر من 25 يوما متتالية، وشعاره: "اما الشهادة او الحرية"، وعلى هذا، ان لم يتم الافراج عنه فورا واستمرت الجهات الامنية بتعنتها في ظل الموقف العنيد للاسير واصراره على الاضراب عن الطعام حتى ينال حريته، يضع اسرائيل امام سيناريو رعب لا يحمد عقباه.
واضاف السعدي ان الاسير يبعث بشكره وامتنانه الى الاهل في الداخل وهم عنوان اضرابه، "فمعنوياتي عالية لتضامنهم معي وترتفع اكثر عندما اسمع صوتهم وهم يهتفون خارج الغرفة والمستشفى"، وشكر - الاسير- القائمة المشتركة على جميع اعضائها والذين يحملون هموم ابناء شعبهم في الداخل والضفة وغزة وحتى في الشتات، وعلى امل لقاء قريب في رام الله بعد نيله الحرية.
هذا وناشد السعدي احرار العالم التحرك والضغط على حكومة اسرائيل لاطلاق سراح الاسير الذي يواجه الموت في كل لحظة في ظل تعنت الحكومة الاسرائيلية.
After preventing lasted for more than two months, attorney osama saadi visiting captive Mohamed Maple Syrup
After monitoring the ward with the department of Homeland Security and management of the prison service and after the threat and joint list to lift it to the supreme court, giving the attorney Osama Saadi, chairman of the committee of the prisoners in the joint list, today (Sunday), Visited the captive, administrative, journalist Mohamed Maple Syrup in a hospital in afula, where to get transferred there after a serious deterioration of health because his present continuous about food for more than 68 days.
This and make sure the attorney al-SA ' di to develop health captive to deteriorate and gravity, where it has the power of speech and continue with the doctors through writing and signal, and he didn't leave the bed for more than 25 days in a row, and his motto: " either the certificate or Freedom ", And on this, not to be released immediately and continued security authorities to her daughter under the inflexible llạsyr and he insisted on a strike on food till he gets his freedom, Israel puts in front of horror scenario don't ominous.
" Al-SA ' di to captive is about hate and gratitude to the parents in there and they address hit him, " my spirit is high for solidarity with me and rising more when I hear their voice shouting out of the room and the hospital ", He thanked the captured - - joint list on all its members and those who carry the burdens of the sons of their people at home and the west bank and Gaza, and even in the diaspora, and hopefully a close encounter in ramallah after its freedom.
This is called Al-SA ' di free world moving and pressure on the government of Israel to release the captured facing the death at every moment in the shadow of the intransigence of the Israeli government.

2016-01-31 ISRAEL: A unique lesson in the psychology of power and corruption...

2016-01-31 ISRAEL: A unique lesson in the psychology of power and corruption...
Nathan Sharanksy, who became world famous as a dissident in the USSR, now - as a senior member of the ruling right wing junta in Israel - blasts Israelis, who oppose the occupation of Palestine...
In an editorial in Haaretz daily (Hebrew edition only), he says: They are not dissidents, they are not Human Rights activists, because they provide foreigners with unproven claims, while bypassing a democratic government...
Sounds so much like a communist USSR commissar...
The link is to an older English report of Sharansky's position on "Breaking Silence"...
Jewish Agency chief and former 'Prisoner of Zion' says anti-occupation soldiers are in cahoots with international movement to boycott Israel.

2016-01-30 Samba time! Beat of the Revolution...

Moi in the center - with the fake black fur hat, big samba drum.
Liron Hadad with Tal Bluver and 3 others at הבימה‎‎.
January 30 at 9:44pmTel Aviv

2016-01-30 US: Totalitarian regime and targeted individuals...

2016-01-30 US: Totalitarian regime and targeted individuals...
Activist Predicts Death, Says The Cops Killed Him
John Lang said the cops were going to kill him. Four days later he was dead.
John Lang said the cops were going to kill him. Four days later he was dead.

2016-01-30 PALESTINE: Routines of the occupation...

2016-01-30 PALESTINE: Routines of the occupation...
As Israel faces international condemnation over its plan to build 153 new settlement homes in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, the watchdog group Peace Now reports…

2016-01-30 US: Back burner civil war...

2016-01-30 US: Back burner civil war...
UPDATE: This video has been reviewed and confirmed. It looks to be the actual footage.
This is the live video of the Murder of Lavoy Finicum!
The FBI released video footage of the traffic stop that ended in the death of Robert "LaVoy" Finicum, one of the spokesmen for the armed occupation...