Sunday, January 6, 2019

2019-01-07 Serious concerns regarding integrity of the Israeli Central Election Committee

Joseph Zernik shared a post.
7 mins
פרסום אחרון שלי בארה"ב - על התנהלות חסרת הישרה של ועדת הבחירות המרכזית, והחלטת השב"כ לפתוח בבדיקות רקע בטחוניות של אנשי הוועדה.
Serious concerns regarding integrity of the Israeli Central Election Committee
In a surprise move, apparently dictated by his corruption investigations, PM Netanyahu announced a short-notice general election on April 09, 2019. Where are the key threats to integrity of the 2019 election? Russian, Ukrainian, and Chinese hackers? Or perhaps an inside job on IT systems of the Central Election Committee? Following repeat notices, the Shin-Bet is finally initiating security review.
Our latest in…/Serious-concerns-regarding-by-Jo…

In a surprise move, apparently dictated by his corruption investigations, PM Netanyahu announced a short-notice general election on…