The U.S. Courts have just completed a massive project of installing dual docketing systems - Pacer and CM/ECF - seperate and undqual, where the courts can segregate the parties at will. Those delegated to Pacer cannot distinguish between valid, effectual court records and the large volume of invalid, ineffectual records posted online by the courts.
September 4, 2009
Ms Nancy Mayer-Whittington
Clerk of the Court
Your timely response or action is requested no later than September 17, 2009
Ms Mayer Whittington:
The Court mailed me about a month ago a “conformed” copy of my ex parte
application (Dkt #9). 1 Combined, the copy, and the docketing of that record,
again evidenced the invalidity of the records that the Clerk of the Court
docketed online under such caption.
Your handling of my case caused me great harm so far...
Please let me know within 10 days, no later than September 17, 2009, how
you would like to address such alleged corruption of trial court litigation
Reasonable resolutions could be:
a) Marking the docket of Melson v Zernik as invalid as a whole, in a way
that would be visible in Pacer by a layperson with no effort, or
b) Removing it from Pacer and CM/ECF altogether.
Regardless, continued posting of false and deliberately misleading records by
the Clerk of the U.S. Court, particularly one in Washington DC, is likely to be
deemed as severe violation of Human Rights per ratified International Law.
Likewise, you may be deemed the offender.
___/s/Joseph Zernik___________
Joseph H Zernik
Los Angeles County, California
The complete letter to Clerk Mayer Whittington can be viewed at:
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All comments are welcome... especially any tips regarding corruption of the courts in Los Angeles. Anonymous tips are fine. One simple way to do it is from internet cafes, etc.