Wednesday, October 28, 2009


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Judge, LA Superior Court.

Racketeering under the guise of court litigation was alleged.In Galdjie v Darwish, he ran a purported bench-trial in a real estate matter, on Defendant who was misled to appear in the Culver City Municipal Court for a purported case of the Superior Court of California. He remained anonymous in court records, listed only as - “Muni Judge.” was entered.


Judge, LA Superior Court

In Samaan v Zernik she tried to force herself as Presiding Judge with no Assignment Order. In collusion with Att DAVID PASTERNAK she attempted to run proceedings where Att RICHARD ORMOND (Buchalter Nehmer) appeared incognito, none of the three agreed to disclose the name of the attorney, or the name of his client, while he was standing in the well in front of the judge in proceedings.

Later it turned out that the client was Mara Escrow, a subsidiary of Old Republic Title Insurance Co. The three of them were trying to approve an Indemnity Agreement for future criminalities for Mara Escrow. (see Patricia Collins).


Judge, LA Superior Court

Alleged to be a key person in the LA-JR (alleged LA Judiciary-Racket). Best remembered for her role in derailing the First Rampart Trial (2000). Some say that she did it to save the convicted police from prison sentence. Others say that she did it to save herself, since they were likely to talk had they been imprisoned for long terms.

In Samaan v Zernik she was engaged in various alleged fraud from the bench, in collusion with Att JAY STEIN, MOHAMMAD KESHAVARZI (Sheppard Mullin), JOHN AMBERG and JENNA MOLDAWSKY (Bryan Cave, LLP), and others, to benefit Countywide Financial Corporation, and one of its “loan originators” – a convicted felon.

Engaged in production of false trial court records on a routine basis. She ignored any semblance of the evidence code, and any notion of due process. She threaten an attorney, to induce his cooperation against his client, and used hate language in relationship to party in trial, but refused to disqualify.

See full size image


Retired Judge, False Neutral

In Samaan v Zernik he tried to force himself as Referee, with no Appointment Order, as part of collusion in alleged corrupt conduct of judge CONNOR. Later – he filed a Proposed Order, with no Motion, in collusion with Atty MOHAMMAD KESHAVARZI (Sheppard Mullin) and Judge ALLEN GOODMAN. Wrote letters to the judges in the case, with no authority at all.

Deliberately disregarded any notion of the law.

See full size image
Judge, LA Superior Court

1 comment:

  1. WitnesstolasuperiorcourtcorruptionAugust 10, 2010 at 6:03 PM

    Judge Elizabeth Grimes is also corrupt. She rules according to who the lawyer is. Disgraceful woman. Disgusting to see such corruption in those courts.


All comments are welcome... especially any tips regarding corruption of the courts in Los Angeles. Anonymous tips are fine. One simple way to do it is from internet cafes, etc.