Friday, November 27, 2009

09-11-27 Setting Forth a Specific Agenda for 2010

Getting ready for New Year's resolutions... Page in progress...

After some email communications with individuals and groups who are committed to judicial reform, I realize that my focus is a bit different than most. Therefore, I should try to crystallize my agenda, so that I may communicate it better to others.
My agenda is NOT judicial reform in the large sense. Such goal is way too big for me to contemplate, especially not being a lawyer.

The DRAFT agenda, below, consists of specific goals, which must be periodically reviewed and prioritized. Only those that are deemed doable in a reasonable time period should remain on the active list:

  • Insist on resignation of Alex Kozinksi, Chief Judge, 9th Circuit, for his role in issuing a false and deliberately misleading (fraud - in lay person's parlance) denial order on Richard Fine's emergency petition from the habeas corpus petition at the U.S. District Court, Los Angeles.
  • Request specific response on the question of Ronald George's role, if any, in installation of Sustain - the prototype of a fraudulent court computer system. If he continues to refuse to respond - make any effort to defeat re-appointment of Ronald George, Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court, due 2010.

  • Reverse at least ONE corrupt court ruling. Experience shows that the basic "Rule of Court" today was that under no circustances would a corrupt court ruling be reversed. Candidate rulings are listed below.
  • Release of Richard Fine

  • Release of the Rampart-FIPs

  • Restore of Public Access to Court Records - in LA County - all electronic court records.

  • Restore of Pubic Access to Court Records - NEFs - across the U.S.

  • Reverse taking of Joseph Zernik's Peck Drive property

  • Reverse taking of Barbara Darwish's Yale Street property

  • Reverse any ruling in Sturgeon v LA County.
Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts: PACER Service Center
  • Subject PACER & CM/ECF to public review, and restructure the programs as part of Rules of Court or FRCP, etc.

  • Affect investigation, and if necessary - prosecution of Jacqueline Connor.
  • Affect investigation, and if necessary - prosecution of David Yaffe
  • Affect investigation, and if necessary - prosecution of JOHN CLARKE

Pic pending
  • Affect investigation, and if necessary - prosecution of Carla Woehrle
  • Affect investigation, and if necessary - prosecution of John Segal
  • Affect investigation, and if necessary - prosecution of Terry Friedman
Sandy Samuels
  • Affect investigation, and if necessary - prosecution of Sandor Samuels
  • Affect investigation, and if necessary - prosecution of David Pasternak.
  • Affect investigation, and if necessary - prosecution of Kenneth Melson & Kenneth Kaiser.
Photo of the European Court of Human Rights Court in Strasbourg, France.
  • Approach International Human Rights Court as a means to any of these goals.

  • Have a Truth and Reconciliation Commission instituted in Los Angeles, with Richard Fine as its Chair.

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All comments are welcome... especially any tips regarding corruption of the courts in Los Angeles. Anonymous tips are fine. One simple way to do it is from internet cafes, etc.