Wednesday, October 28, 2009


This message to Sheriff Lee Baca of Los Angeles County is forwarded in distribution to various U.S. Government offices and law school faculty, to document the alleged widespread corruption of the Justice System in LA County, resulting in severe abuses of Human Rights.

It is provided also in support of pending request for the Appointment of a Special Counsel to guarantee the access to court records in Los Angeles County, to inspect and to copy, through investigation and prosecution- if needed, of those who may be in violation of the law.

We hold that the denial of access to public records is a critical element of the alleged corruption in LA County, and that if such access was guaranteed, such alleged corruption would be largely eliminated.

This message is also distributed to many in the legal community in Los Angeles, particularly to those associated with Bet Tzedek, in hope that they support the pending request for Appointment Appointment of Special Counsel.



Sheriff Lee Baca:

In your online message in the Sheriff Department's web page, you pronounced you commitment to the Legal, Civil, and Human Rights of the Inmates. We call upon you to comply with U.S. and International Law:
  • Please allow access to inspect and to copy the papers that formed the basis for Arrest and Booking of Richard Fine, if any.
  • If indeed you have no such papers whatsoever - as communications with your office demonstrate - please let Richard Fine go!

October 28, 2009

Sheriff Lee Baca
Los Angeles County

Dear Sheriff Baca:

I am writing in the hope that you immediately release Atty RICHARD FINE, held by you with no records to form the legal foundation for your conduct, Your conduct may be ruled upon review by a competent court of jurisdiction as false imprisonment and abuse of civil rights under the color of law, pursuant to U.S. Law. It may also be ruled by International Human Rights Court as Deprivation of Liberty and Abuse of Human Rights. I have been asking for the past two weeks to inspect and to copy the following records:
1) Arrest - March 04, 2009, 11:05, Dept 86, Mosk Courthouse, Downtown Los Angeles,
- Falsely marked in Sheriff Department records as if it took place in San Pedro.

2) Booking - March 04, 2009, 12:23pm, location unknown,
- Falsely marked in Sheriff Department records as if it took place in San Pedro.
- Denied by the San Pedro Sheriff Station.

I added in recent day to my request also the following request:
3) Immediate review of the integrity of the Sheriff Department's computer system.
The evidence indicated that the Sheriff Department's system was an affront and abuse of the Human Rights of all who live in LA County, since it allowed the false imprisonment of persons with no legal foundation, and the creation of false representation of legality.

In response to my requests in the past two weeks, I got this afternoon a phone call from Sergeant BURSON in your office. I am grateful for your response. However, Sergeant Burson suggested to me, that after review by the Legal Department, he could possibly release to me a REMOVAL ORDER as a response to my requests. In reply, I explained to Sergeant BURSON, that the only good such paper would do, was to evidence one more time, that you had and you have no records whatsoever to substantiate either the ARREST or the BOOKING of Atty RICHARD FINE on March 04, 2009. I am readily familiar with the paper that Sergeant BURSON offered, and it could not address any of my requests, since that paper:
1) Surely could never be read as a REMOVAL ORDER, as suggested by Sergeant BURSON.
2) Even if read as a REMAND ORDER - was irrelevant in this case.
3) Was never in your possession at the time of the ARREST or BOOKING.
4) Was invalid on its face.

The response by your office today documented one more time that you had:

Events as they appear today are Rampart scandal dj vu all over again:
The only plausible explanation for the events of March 4, 2009, was that the Warrant Detail was deliberately misled by Judge DAVID YAFFE. He first asked for the Warrant Detail to be present, purportedly for arresting RICHARD FINE. He then read from the bench the purported sentencing and he also purported to sign the Judgment.

However, review of the records indicated that he omitted the whole proceeding from the records of the case, and that the Judgment that he purported to sign, was invalid and Fraud on Its Face. There was no chance error there either... All eight Orders, Judgments, and later also Writs in that case -
Marina v LA County (BS109420), were of the same type - Fraud on their Faces. Therefore, the case was selected as part of the small collection that was presented to County officials as preliminary evidence of the LA-JR (alleged LA Judiciary Racket).

However, the way it stands now, regardless of alleged corruption of Judge DAVID YAFFE, it is the Sheriff Department that is clearly failing to comply with the law. The last thing we need is prosecution of the Warrant Detail at the LA Superior Court, with Judge DAVID YAFFE appearing to preside in the case... He may even follow the errors he made in the Judgment for Jailing of Richard Fine with some fatal errors in the Jury Instructions... That script was already produced in the Rampart Scandal... I THEREFORE AGAIN REQUEST THE IMMEDIATE RELEASE OF FALSELY JAILED ATTY RICHARD FINE.

Thanks for your attention to my requests, and I hope to hear back from your office as soon as possible,

Joseph Zernik

Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors
Los Angeles County Auditor Controller
Los Angeles County General Counsel
U.S. Department of Justice
U.S Attorney General
U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights.


Page building in progress...



Judge, LA Superior Court.

Racketeering under the guise of court litigation was alleged.In Galdjie v Darwish, he ran a purported bench-trial in a real estate matter, on Defendant who was misled to appear in the Culver City Municipal Court for a purported case of the Superior Court of California. He remained anonymous in court records, listed only as - “Muni Judge.” was entered.


Judge, LA Superior Court

In Samaan v Zernik she tried to force herself as Presiding Judge with no Assignment Order. In collusion with Att DAVID PASTERNAK she attempted to run proceedings where Att RICHARD ORMOND (Buchalter Nehmer) appeared incognito, none of the three agreed to disclose the name of the attorney, or the name of his client, while he was standing in the well in front of the judge in proceedings.

Later it turned out that the client was Mara Escrow, a subsidiary of Old Republic Title Insurance Co. The three of them were trying to approve an Indemnity Agreement for future criminalities for Mara Escrow. (see Patricia Collins).


Judge, LA Superior Court

Alleged to be a key person in the LA-JR (alleged LA Judiciary-Racket). Best remembered for her role in derailing the First Rampart Trial (2000). Some say that she did it to save the convicted police from prison sentence. Others say that she did it to save herself, since they were likely to talk had they been imprisoned for long terms.

In Samaan v Zernik she was engaged in various alleged fraud from the bench, in collusion with Att JAY STEIN, MOHAMMAD KESHAVARZI (Sheppard Mullin), JOHN AMBERG and JENNA MOLDAWSKY (Bryan Cave, LLP), and others, to benefit Countywide Financial Corporation, and one of its “loan originators” – a convicted felon.

Engaged in production of false trial court records on a routine basis. She ignored any semblance of the evidence code, and any notion of due process. She threaten an attorney, to induce his cooperation against his client, and used hate language in relationship to party in trial, but refused to disqualify.

See full size image


Retired Judge, False Neutral

In Samaan v Zernik he tried to force himself as Referee, with no Appointment Order, as part of collusion in alleged corrupt conduct of judge CONNOR. Later – he filed a Proposed Order, with no Motion, in collusion with Atty MOHAMMAD KESHAVARZI (Sheppard Mullin) and Judge ALLEN GOODMAN. Wrote letters to the judges in the case, with no authority at all.

Deliberately disregarded any notion of the law.

See full size image
Judge, LA Superior Court

09-10-28 Notice to Sandor Samuels and his Bet Tzedek Colleagues

2) Request for Bet Tzedek bylaws in re: Grievance by candidate clients
3) Read: Amended-09-10-27 DRAFT LETTER TO ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER, IN RE: LA-JR (the alleged LA Judiciary Racket),

Sandy Samuels
David Pasternak Sandor Samuels Terry Friedman
Bet Tzedek News

Dear Judge Friedman, Mr Kamin, Mr Pasternak, Mr Samuels, and General Counsel, Bank of America Corporation

Thanks to Mr DAVID PASTERNAK for the confirmation of receipt and reading, copied below. I take it as acceptance, with no challenge, that the his conduct in Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) as well as the conduct of his Bet Tzedek colleagues - State of California Judge - the Honorable TERRY FRIEDMAN and Bank of America Associate General Counsel - SANDOR SAMUELS should be deemed upon review as racketeering.

I therefore am also addressing this notice, conspicuously marked: NOTICE UNDER SECTION 307 OF THE SARBANES-OXLEY ACT to
(1) Mr SANDOR SAMUELS - Associate General Counsel, Bank of America Corporation, and
(2) GENERAL COUNSEL, Bank of America Corporation,

Compliance with Section 307 of Sarbanes-Oxley
If counsel reasonably believe that material violation of law may have
occurred, is occurring or is about to occur, as set forth in Section 307 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the SEC Rule promulgated there under (17 CFR
205), counsel must notify the General Counsel. This notice may be in any form,
but should conspicuously state that it is being made under Section 307 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Mr SANDOR SAMUELS is kindly requested to fully report to the GENERAL COUNSEL regarding:
1) His own FRAUD - as opined by Fraud Expert - relative to COUNTRYWIDE records and declarations, filed under the caption referenced above.
2) Resulting FRAUD - as opined by Fraud Expert - of his Bet Tzedek colleague, DAVID PASTERNAK,
3) Additional alleged Fraud conducted on behalf of the BANK OF AMERICA CORPORATION by BRYAN CAVE, LLP, appearing while NOT Counsel of Record, in violation of Outside Counsel Procedures of Bank of America Corporation. However - the evidence - records filed by BRYAN CAVE, LLP document that such appearance took place in full cooperation with BANK OF AMERICA CORPORATION. Such conduct is alleged as Fraud in its own sake.

I fully reported such conduct to the Bank of America Audit Committee in several complaints, pursuant to Sarbanes Oxley Act (2002), yet to be addressed. The full details can also be found in records of U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Houston Texas, case of
Borrower William Alen Parsely (4-05-Bk-90374) Dkt #256-260, filed by JOSEPH ZERNIK in Pro Se. The same records can also be viewed free of charge at archive:

SANDOR SAMUELS and the GENERAL COUNSEL, BANK OF AMERICA CORPORATION are kindly requested to finally forward my complaint for review by the Audit Committee, and to inform me of the outcome of such review. I would also appreciate informing me on how they decided to address these issues in re: Certifications per Sarbanes Oxley (2002) in periodic reports to regulators.

Mr KAMIN and BET TZEDEK -House of Justice, are kindly requested to provide the response to requests previously made:
Does the House of Justice have bylaws for handling grievances by individuals maliciously, and probably also criminally, harmed by a House of Justice top Officer, while acting in Office, in response for request for help in re: REAL ESTATE FRAUD by an individual from Bet Tzedek Office, by leaving such request for help by hand delivery on the premises of the House of Justice, in response to solicitation for such requests for help by the House of Justice on the House of Justice website?

The House of Justice failed to post warnings on all its brochures and literature, such as:
Client Beware, some of our officers may be yet to be convicted felons, and may retaliate if you ask for help regarding their own alleged crimes.

No such notices were found on the web site in June 2007, at the time that Mr SANDOR SAMUELS served as CHAIR, BOARD OF DIRECTORS, and I filed a request for help in Bet Tzedek office, which immediately led to retaliation, but no help, I therefore ask to file grievance pursuant to the HOUSE OF JUSTICE own bylaws.

Joseph Zernik

Media, Others in the Jewish and Legal Community.