Sunday, March 21, 2010

10-03-21 OAK and NFOJA Claim US Conspiracy to Abuse Rights, while Claiming NO Violation of Rights // OAK y NFOJA reclamación EE.UU. conspiración para violar los derechos, aunque sin pretender Violación de los Derechos

Dear All:

Please notice the March 18, 2010 Message #1, copied below, originating from OAK, the umbrella organization of NFOJA. which presumably went to a much larger distribution.

Please also notice on the same date the March 18, 2010 Message #2, copied below, which was issued directly by NFOJA

In Message #1, a claim of Conspiracy to Abuse Rights is listed, and contributions for filing with the US and the UN are solicited.  

In Message #2, copied below, originated directly from NFOJA., a statement was included that no claim of violation of Human Rights would be made in the submission to the UN.

This message is addressed to Attorney Zena Crenshaw, who issued such conflicting messages.  This message is also copied to Paula Michaud, since like Attorney Zena Crenshaw, she is listed as one of the organizers of OAK.

Based on such conflicted public notices and solicitations, and absent a reasonable explanation, a reasonable person would be hard pressed to give OAK and NFOJA any credit as legitimate organizations committed to the safeguard of Human, Constitutional, and Civil Rights in the US.

This message would be also forwarded to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, with the suggestion that such conduct as shown below may undermine the integrity of the filings forwarded to the UN as part of the periodic Universal Review.

X-MSK: CML=0.001000
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2010 23:26:20 +0000 (GMT)
From: OAK
To: ""
Subject: Proposed Submission on the State of Human Rights in America
X-XN-UUID: e02fb8e4-7948-4474-b98e-ed7ea9fdf947
X-XN-Super-Happy-Header: zlfXMN9Z9wezq3CCnRadTii64vZJwoLerfqiBpSbaVQbnv*HKXEuD9eo6Nhlo7uJt-oU28EnHmuZr7SYxfyGhQvJxe4tri*thw3tuS6sZbETQUXvp5*9Is9wvY*IoBAjrwLl9asw6sPT*uI3W-Q5z84-7wpTiG6nt9ya1DawKStHNCucwqd0Am5aGeZxPKv5higX9BQ6eSB6N4GmfmUGA2PJ-dVTbSVstC97QqTihFjYAvkXCaYUJI7Z4-TC6tsWWBb2k7D4VYx7zy9tT9VFR1CCbta3b*ElGz1*C0DDurnJeUWAWt*u7Mkj4rsOeXf1
X-ELNK-Info: sbv=0; sbrc=.0; sbf=00; sbw=000;

Organizations Associating for the Kind of Change America Really Needs
A message to all members of OAK
As you may know, the U.N.’s Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights will review the United States’ human rights record in November 2010. 
The U.S. State Department is soliciting comments from citizens, advocacy groups and other non-governmental organizations on the human rights record of the United States. 
National Judicial Conduct and Disability Law Project, Inc. (NJCDLP) is preparing comments for consideration by and hopefully submission with its sister organizations: National Forum On Judicial Accountability (NFOJA); the legal reform organization POPULAR, Inc. (Power Over Poverty Under Laws of America Restored); and OAK, a national consortium of grassroots advocates (Organizations Associating for the Kind of Changes America Really Needs). 
The joint submission would go directly to: 
1. The U.S. State Department as requested; 
2. The U.N.’s Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review; 
3. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder pursuant to POPULAR’s current campaign for fervent prosecution of 18 U.S.C. sections 241 (conspiracy to violate federal rights) and 242 violations (violation of federal rights under color of law); and 
4. Appropriate members of Congress as part of OAK’s Grass On The Hill Day 2010.CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

Visit OAK at:

To control which emails you receive on OAK, click here 


By: Zena Crenshaw Loga...
Group Organizer
Washington, DC

Posted Mar 18, 2010 7:13 PM


As you may know, the U.N.’s Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights will review the United States’ human rights record in November 2010.

The U.S. State Department is soliciting comments from citizens, advocacy groups and other non-governmental organizations on the human rights record of the United States.

National Judicial Conduct and Disability Law Project, Inc. (NJCDLP) is preparing comments for consideration by and hopefully submission with its sister organizations:National Forum On Judicial Accountability (NFOJA); the legal reform organizationPOPULAR, Inc. (Power Over Poverty Under Laws of America Restored); and OAK, a national consortium of grassroots advocates (Organizations Associating for the Kind of Changes America Really Needs).

The joint submission would go directly to:

1. The U.S. State Department as requested;
2. The U.N.’s Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review;
3. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder pursuant to POPULAR’s current campaign for fervent prosecution of 18 U.S.C. sections 241 (conspiracy to violate federal rights) and 242 violations (violation of federal rights under color of law); and
4. Appropriate members of Congress as part of OAK’s Grass On The Hill Day 2010.

Please note that there are very specific, intricate guidelines for our submission, accessible by visiting: Dept. of State

You should familiarize yourself with those guidelines as there won't be much time to evaluate our proposed submission before OAK’s lobby day in late April 2010.

In accord with those guidelines and our technical / organizational capabilities, NJCDLP:

 Will not purport to prove any specific human rights violations by or in the U.S.:
 Will commend the Justice Department’s recent “Symposium On Indigent Defense” and expansion to include prominent Harvard law professor, Laurence H. Tribe, leading the department’s efforts to increase legal access for the poor;
 Note that in addition to criminal law proceedings, such efforts should address so-called child protective services and family courts; and
 Confirm that despite such efforts, the U.S. demonstrates inadequate respect for underlying human rights by persisting for decades to:

(1) generally exempt municipal, state, and federal prosecutors as well as judges from criminal prosecution under Title 18 U.S.C. section 242;
(2) require alleged victims of unlawful bias, discrimination, and / or retaliation – often emotionally and/or financially devastated individuals – to run a gauntlet of costly, protracted civil proceedings for relatively rare vindication;
(3) generally relegate so many constituents to state and federal legislators that only wealthy and otherwise influential constituents enjoy access to these purported representatives;
(4) tout major media as an effective check on government when relatively few Americans generally direct or otherwise influence news content;
(5) defy prudent priorities in the prosecution, incarceration, or other sanction of many government critics through processes triggered by anonymous sources and/or riddled with irregularities;
(6) allow America’s judiciary to essentially control all government processes by which the conduct of its judges are evaluated; and
(7) diminish prudent access by private American citizens to grand juries and jury trials.

Feel free to post questions and / or comments about the foregoing outline.

Please also submit relevant documentation, proof, and/or proposed solutions to any or all of the underlying human rights dilemmas.

Time is of essence. Please try to provide your input by no later than Friday – April 2, 2010.

Thank you for your consideration.

Zena D. Crenshaw-Logal,
Executive Director and Board Member for
NJCDLP and POPULAR; NFOJA Administrator;
and Member of OAK’s Board of Managers 

Por favor note que el 18 de marzo 2010 Mensaje # 1, con copia a continuación, originarios de Oak, la organización paraguas de NFOJA, en la misma fecha que el 18 de marzo 2010 Mensaje n º 2, a continuación, que fue emitido directamente por NFOJA. En el Mensaje n º 1, que presumiblemente iba a una distribución mucho más amplia, una reivindicación de conspiración para violar los derechos en la lista, y las contribuciones para la presentación con los EE.UU. y la ONU se solicitan.
En 18 de marzo 2010 Mensaje n º 2, copiado a continuación, se originó directamente de NFOJA., Una declaración que se incluyó ninguna reclamación de violación de los Derechos Humanos se hizo en la presentación.
Tales avisos públicos en conflicto y solicitudes, a falta de una explicación razonable, que una persona razonable sería difícil dar OAK y NFOJA ningún crédito como organizaciones legítima, comprometida con la salvaguardia de los Derechos Humanos, constitucionales y de derechos civiles en los EE.UU..
Este mensaje se transmitió asimismo a la Alta Comisionada de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos, con la sugerencia de que tal conducta como se muestra a continuación puede poner en peligro la integridad de los documentos presentados remitido a la ONU como parte del examen periódico universal.
~ ~ jz

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All comments are welcome... especially any tips regarding corruption of the courts in Los Angeles. Anonymous tips are fine. One simple way to do it is from internet cafes, etc.