Sunday, October 17, 2010

10-10-17 A Legal Ethics Question...// Una ética jurídica Pregunta...

Given the recent United Nations Human Rights Council report, which referred to "corruption of the courts and the legal profession" in California, should attorneys in California include a statement to that effect in their standard engagement agreement?
After all, it surely is a material fact, which the average person may not be aware of, but should consider before retaining an attorney in California or ever going to court...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting such educational and thought-provoking material on your blog. It is very much appreciated.

    To answer your question, I wouldn't trust attorneys, as a group, to do any such thing. Instead, I would like the Bar to post such advisories on their website. After all, they have supposedly assumed the responsibility to "protect" the legal services consumer from harm.

    Yes .... I agree with you .... FAT chance, right? :-)

    Again, THANK YOU for all of your hard work in making the people aware of the truth regarding legal system and it's "officers of the court."

    Joseph L. Delgado


All comments are welcome... especially any tips regarding corruption of the courts in Los Angeles. Anonymous tips are fine. One simple way to do it is from internet cafes, etc.