More on Commonwealth of Virginia v Sebelius, Log Cabin Republicans USA, SEC v BAC - collapse of the frameworks of democratic government
Careful review of the litigation records in the three cases would lead one to conclude that senior US officers are actively undermining the stated goals of the US government.
The press release [linked below] focuses on three specific, high-visibility cases in the US courts:
- Commonwealth of Virginia v Sebelius,
- Log Cabin Republicans USA,
The three cases pertain to President Obama's central stated policies:
- Prevail in wars that the Armed Services are engaged in,
- Restore honest and effective banking regulation, and
- Implement health-care reform,
Not that one could conclude that similar officers were loyal to the Bush Presidency; this is not partisan, it is collapse of the frameworks of democratic government.
In that respect, one should recall that Senator Leahy, Chair of the US Senate Judiciary Committee, called already two years ago for a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission".
However, Truth and Reconciliation Commissions are instituted after tyrannies of various kinds are deposed. Here, Leahy called for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, while such forces are still in power... In fact, if one agrees that Senator Leahy is no dummy, one must conclude that Senator Leahy declared that the US government was hijacked...
At 04:08 AM 1/14/2011, John Doe wrote:
Joe -
Hope all is well with you. Thanks for taking the time to e-mail me. Keep up the good work. You are helping make a difference.
John Doe
Fri, 14 Jan 2011 03:42:56 Joseph Zernik wrote
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2011 03:42:56
Subject: Press Release: Commonwealth of Virginia v Sebelius in the US District Court - Constitutional Challenge to the Obama Health Care Law - Appears as Deliberately Invalid Litigation
Press Release: Commonwealth of Virginia v Sebelius in the US District Court - Constitutional Challenge to the Obama Health Care Law - Appears as Deliberately Invalid Litigation
The docket of the case reveals records that are inconsistent with litigation conducted in compliance with the US law. The clerk of the court and US Department of Justice Freedom of Information Office were requested to provide copies of the electronic certificates of authentication/attestation by the clerk of the records in the case.
See the complete Press release at:
[1] 11-01-13 Press Release: Commonwealth of Virginia v Sebelius in the US District Court - Constitutional Challenge to the Obama Health Care Law - Appears as Deliberately Invalid Litigation
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