Sunday, May 1, 2011

11-04-28 Many Detainees in Guantanamo were Minors // Muchos de los detenidos en Guantánamo eran menores de edad // 关押在关塔那摩的许多囚犯是未成年人



Guantanamo's Child Soldiers

Files Reveal Many Inmates Were Minors

By Gregor Peter Schmitz
A US Navy sailor stands guard in Camp 6 in the Guantanamo Bay detention center (March 2010 photo).
Getty Images
A US Navy sailor stands guard in Camp 6 in the Guantanamo Bay detention center (March 2010 photo).
The Guantanamo files reveal many of the inmates in the controversial detention camp were under 18 at the time of their capture and that the charges against them were often based on hearsay. Even detainees who US interrogators admitted were innocent had to wait a long time before being freed.


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