Monday, June 18, 2012

12-06-18 Freedom of the Press: Most Censorship And Content Takedown Requests Come From US, Says Google

JUNE 18, 2012

Google Sign SC 300x199 Most Censorship And Content Takedown Req 

Google has released data from its latest Transparency Report covering censorship and content removal requests. The report features separate presentations of copyright-based removal requests and government requests. Google began publishing this data about two years go.

The report is updated regularly; however government censorship and removal requests are updated every six months. The number of copyright removal requests has grown dramatically over the past six months. Most of these requests involve file sharing domains.

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Most of the takedown requests are coming from entertainment companies or trade groups representing them. However the top copyright owner requesting takedowns was Microsoft with more than 2 million URLs requested to be removed in the past year and almost 500,000 in the past month.

In the government requests category, Google said that the US is the country with the most activity. Some of these requests are in the form of court orders, while others from various government and law-enforcement entities. Overall there were more than 6,000 content items targeted in just under 200 removal requests in the US during the past six months.

Google actually complied with those requests a little over 40 percent of the time. That includes court orders, interestingly.

Read More at By Greg Stirling.

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