Tuesday, December 11, 2012

12-12-11 Obama - How Washington's Political Culture Turned a Community Organizer Into a Deadly Drone Killer President

The issues, raised in the piece below, are some of the most intriguing in trying to figure out the US political system today, and also in trying to figure the future path of the US government. I believe that Obama was compromised early on, when he returned to the US from Indonesia under false identity, and most likely applied for foreign student scholarships. At some point, possibly much earlier than anticipated, he was probably made into an FBI/CIA asset. His investigation, as president elect, by senior FBI officials may have set the operating procedures for such presidency.

The question could have been formulated a bit differently for Bill Clinton:
How did the Yale, Oxford trained Rhode Scholar become the banking-deregulator-in-chief, causing historically unprecedented decline of the United States at home and abroad?

This question cannot be posed relative to Bush II - I don't recall anybody suggesting that he had ever had a mind of his own.

In all three cases, for different reasons, I am in favor of the Iceland approach - prosecute them to the full extent of the law... Clinton, Bush II, Obama...jz

A letter to president Obama.
How Washington's Political Culture Turned a Community Organizer Into a Deadly Drone Killer President
TomDispatch.com / By Tom Engelhardt

December 11, 2012 | 

Obama during a visit to FBI headquarters

The White House 
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW 
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear President Obama,

Nothing you don’t know, but let me just say it: the world’s a weird place. In my younger years, I might have said “crazy,” but that was back when I thought being crazy was a cool thing and only regretted I wasn’t.

I mean, do you ever think about how you ended up where you are? And I'm not actually talking about the Oval Office, though that’s undoubtedly a weird enough story in its own right.

After all, you were a community organizer and a constitutional law professor and now, if you stop to think about it, here’s where you’ve ended up: you’re using robots to assassinate people you personally pick as targets.

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