Sunday, December 16, 2012

12-12-16 Robert Reich - The Billionaires' Long Game

Writers, such as Robert Reich, below,  engage in self-denial, pretending that they are clairvoyance of future conditions, when in fact, they are describing the immediate past.  
The game is pretty much over, since the billionaires have already got the golden rign in Citizens United.  
Similar are the multiple reports with titles such as, 'Is the US sliding into a police state?'
I consider such writing false and misleading.

If and when they eventually win, these billionaires will clean up. Their taxes will plummet, many laws constraining their profits will disappear, and what's left of labor unions will no longer intrude on their bottom lines. And they have enough dough to keep betting until they eventually win. That's what it means to be a billionaire political investor: You're able to keep playing the odds until you get the golden ring.


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