Tuesday, February 7, 2012

12-02-04 OCCUPY DC : Cops attack McPherson Park! // OCUPAR DC: Policías ataque McPherson Park! // 占据直流:警察攻击麦克弗森公园! // Занимайте DC: Cops атаки Макферсон Park!


OCCUPY DC : Cops attack McPherson Park! Multiple Updates, w/Livestream video Embed

By Brett Redmayne-Titley (about the author)
Update 4:25 pm: At least two protesters from Freedom Park who went to the McPherson Park to offer assistance have been injured. It has been reported that an occupier named Mike has a hairline fracture in his arm, resulting from being hit by police. Another occupier, Taylor, has reportedly been tased and arrested.

A GA (General Assembly) is scheduled for 5 pm at Freedom Plaza. Sgt. Beck from the DC Park Police will reportedly be giving further instructions for compliance, although it has been noted that the police did not seem to honor the fact that many tents or areas in McPherson Park were in compliance, and were removed or destroyed anyway. (Mab)

Update 4 pm: Barry Knight, our contact at the Freedom Plaza camp in Washington DC, reports that currently there is no police presence at Freedom Park, and camping continues as usual. (mab)

update at 12:25 live feed reports police are unloading rubber bullet weapons. Reporting "what looks like a military humvee there."

Update at 12:04 EST. All tents have been removed from the southeast section of McPherson Park. Six arrests now. One man tazed for holding sticks, not threatening, not doing anything. 
Police in process of removing one of many tents at Occupy DC, McPherson Park

Mike Check at gate. Occupiers cursing out police. That may be sh*t on the pavement, possibly from horses. Man in orange is speaking.
"Mike Check. We love this Park. This is our park..."
READ MORE: http://www.opednews.com/articles/OCCUPY-DC--5-35AM-Cops-a-by-Brett-Redmayne-Tit-120204-961.html 

12-01-08 The American Gulag // El Gulag estadounidense // 美国古拉格 // Американский ГУЛАГ

The Economics of Incarceration
By Nile Bowie
For every 100,000 Americans, 743 citizens sit behind bars. Presently, the prison population in America consists of more than six million people, a number exceeding the amount of prisoners held in the gulags of the former Soviet Union at any point in its history. 


READ MORE: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article30469.htm

12-02-07 What would DuBois say? // ¿Qué DuBois dice? //杜波依斯说什么? // Что бы Дюбуа сказать?

Formal photograph of an African-American man, with beard and mustache, around 50 years old
"The two parties have combined against us to nullify our power by a 'gentleman's agreement' of non-recognition, no matter how we vote ... May God write us down as asses if ever again we are found putting our trust in either the Republican or the Democratic Parties." - W.E.B. DuBois (1868 - 1963)

12-02-07 Day 141: Live Stream of the Occupy // Día 141: Transmisión en vivo de la Ocupar // 141天:实时流的占用 // День 141: прямая трансляция из Занимайте

ousands of activists have descended on Wall Street since past weekend as part of the #OccupyWallStreet protest organized by several action groups. What follows is a live video stream of this event as well as a live twitter stream of the #OccupyWallStreet Hash Tag.Thousands of activists have descended on Wall Street since past weekend as part of the #OccupyWallStreet protest organized by several action groups. What follows is a live video stream of this event as well as a live twitter stream of the #OccupyWallStreet Hash Ta
Article image

Read more, view up to date vids:

12-02-07 False dates, certifications in the electronic records of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel // Fechas falsas, certificaciones de los registros electrónicos de la Corte Suprema del Estado de Israel // 虚假的日期,在以色列国最高法院的电子记录认证 // Ложные даты сертификации в электронной записи Верховным судом Государства Израиль

Word queries were performed on ELYON1 for various word combinations, reflecting variations in the certification boxes of decisions of the Supreme Court in the years 1991-2011.  The results provide insights into events of 2001-2, a critical period relative to the compromised integrity of the electronic records of the Supreme Court.  The analysis also allows the detection of decisions listed under false certifications (e.g., certifications by Clerk Shamryahu Cohen, long after the date of his death) and false dates (at times back-dated up to a decade). Combined, the analysis provides additional evidence of the compromised integrity of the electronic records of the Supreme Court.
Computing experts are readily available in Israel, who could examine and provide solutions.  However, resolution of false records, already entered in the system, is likely to require the establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. 
 Chief Justice Dorit Beinisch, Clerk of the Court Sarah Lifschitz, Supreme Court of the State of Israel

View as PDF (with complete tables, and compiled court records): http://www.scribd.com/doc/80758864/
Jerusalem, February 7 – “Events of early 2001-2 should be considered critical in compromising the integrity of the electronic records of the Supreme Court,” says  Joseph Zernik, PhD, of Human Rights Alert (NGO), “These events involved Electronic Data Systems Corporation [NYSE:EDS] and IBM Global Technology Services [NYSE: IBM], two well-known US corporations.”

Today, Dr Zernik has released further analysis of the distribution of particular word combinations, derived from various certification boxes of the electronic records of the Supreme Court over the past decade. (Tables IIIa – linked above)

The analysis shows that events of early 2002 were preceded by specific increase in the appearance of the following word(s):

  • Starting 1997 – “Rasham“ [Magistrate- jz];
  • Starting 2000 – “Aricha Ve-Nisu’ah” [editing and phrasing – jz];
  • Starting 2000 – “Terem Pirsumo Be-Kovetz” [prior to publication in compilation…-jz];
  • Starting 2001 – “Merkaz Meida” [Information Center – jz], and
  • 2001-2002     – “COURT.DOT” [Word template file name – jz] – appeared almost exclusively during the same two years.
Events of early 2002 were followed by changes in the appearance of the following word(s):
  • Early 2002 – “Shmaryahu Cohen” disappeared;
  • Late 2002  – “Sarah Lifschitz” briefly appeared, and
  • Early 2003 – “Mat’im La-Makor” [True copy of the original… -jz] disappeared.
Detailed review of orders and judgments, which appear outside their typical distribution pattern, shows common discrepancies in the dates of the records. (Table IIIb – linked above)
Previous analysis of the records of the Supreme Court documented:
  • The publication of simulated records and the conduct of simulated litigation; [1]
  • Variations in the certification boxes of the records over the past decade that ended with no certification at all; [2]
  • Discontinuities in the certification authority of the records; [3]
  • Refusal of the office of the Clerk of the Court to certify Supreme Court records, even upon request, [4] and
  • Missing ID certifications of the Supreme Court servers. [5]
Several Israeli computing and legal experts expressed concern regarding these findings.

The State Ombudsman 2010 report (60b) additionally noted, regarding development and implementation of the systems, that: [6]
  • Corporation were awarded state contracts with no bidding, as required by Israeli law and regulations;
  • Development was initiated with no written specifications;
  • Development was supervised by individuals on special personal contracts, with no core supervision by state employees, as required by Israeli law and regulations;
  • No independent inspections were conducted by the state customer prior to implementation of the systems;
  • The servers were located under corporate control, not under the State Courts Administration, and
  • Unknown number of individuals had issued double smart ID cards.
“It is not clear, who controls the electronic records of the Supreme Court today,” says  Dr Zernik, “What is clear is that the office of the Clerk of the Court refuses to be held accountable for the integrity of the Supreme Court’s records.”

As a follow-up, Dr Zernik has filed Freedom of Information requests with the Courts’ Administration, asking for records that:
  • Explain the process and substance of the changes in the certification boxes of the Supreme Court from 2001 to 2003, [7] and
  • Document, which individuals or entities held the ultimate administrative authority for the serves of the Supreme Court over the past decade, and how that authority was established and transferred. [8]
“Data protection and cryptology experts are readily available in Israel, who could examine the systems and propose solutions,” says Dr Zernik, “However, any solution is likely to also require a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, to address the false records already entered in the systems.”
Dr Zernik had previously shown that the electronic record systems of the California and US courts enable and are routinely employed for fraud on the People by large corporations and financial institutions in collusion with the courts. [9,10]

The 2010 submission of Human Rights Alert to the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations was reviewed by the HRC professional staff and incorporated in the official HRC Professional Staff Report with a note referring to “corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California.”  [11]

LINKS:[1] 11-12-04 Simulated Records, Simulated Litigation Enabled by the Electronic Record Systems of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel (English)
[2] 12-01-17 Evolution of the Electronic Decision Forms of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel s (with Full Appendix: Summary Table, Survey Notes, Records)
[3] 12-01-25 Table Summary I: Clerk's Certification, or Lack Thereof, in Judicial Records of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel (2000-2012) s
[4] 12-01-29 Table Summary II: Refusal of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel to Provide Clerk’s Certification of Decisions, Records of the Court s
[5] 12-01-30 Certificates, or lack thereof, for servers of the Supreme Court of Israel s
[6] 10-00-00 State of Israel - Ombudsman's Report 60b, Ministry of Justice Computerization (2010) p 693 Et Seq
[7] 12-01-19 Freedom of Information Request on the Administration of Courts: Records that shed light on the process and substance of the change, around 2001-2 in certification by the Clerk of judicial records of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel.
[8] 12-01-31 Request for records of Courts Administration, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (1988), pertaining to the ultimate administrative authority for the servers of the Supreme Court of the State of Israel
[9] 11-04-17 PRESS RELEASE: Lomas v Bank of America (KC059379) – Fraud turns into Extortion in the Los Angeles Superior Court
[10] 11-08-01 Zernik, J: Fraud and corruption in the US courts is tightly linked to failing banking regulation and the financial crisis, 16th World Criminology Congress presentation
[11] 10-04-19 Human Rights Alert (NG0) submission to the  United Nations Human Rights Council  for the 2010 Review (UPR) of Human Rights in the United States as incorporated into the UPR staff report, with a note referring to "corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination  by law enforcement in California".
 ~ If it ain't a Party, it ain't my occupation ~

#OccuParty Jerusalem-AlQuds!
August 17, 2012
Love, Peace, Justice
Empowering the People through
a dance/music/art/study/pray
summer celebration

Facebook Eventhttp://www.facebook.com/events/210316185725129/_______

Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)[]  
The 2010 submission of Human Rights Alert to the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations was reviewed by the HRC professional staff and incorporated in the official HRC Professional Staff Report with a note referring to corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California.  The 2010 UN UPR report called upon the United States to stop executions, restore habeas corpus and close GITMO, abolish slavery, criminalize torture...
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Take away justice, then, and what are governments but great bandit bands?
Saint Augustine, Civitas Dei (City of God,4.4)