Tuesday, February 5, 2013

13-01-27 FATCA: response by Stanley Fischer, Bank of Israel

Stanley Fischer, Governor of Bank of Israel, showing off his newly acquired Israeli ID in 2005. Petition in the Israeli High Court of Justice alleged that Stanley Fischer exchanged his loyalty to the State of Israel and its law with loyalty to another nation and its laws and/or loyalty to financial institutions and their interests.

Three Consumer's Complaints were filed with Bank of Israel, alleging criminality by the Israeli Bank HaPoalim, BM, in Jerusalem under the color of US law – FATCA.  Receipt of none of the Complaints was ever confirmed in writing, and none was ever addressed.  Instead, the Bank of Israel replied on a letter to Governor Stanley Fischer, dated October 14, 2012, which protested the failure to process the formal Consumer Complaints. 
The January 27, 2013 response by Bank of Israel, on behalf of Governor Stanley Fischer, provides false and misleading statements, pertaining to the US law – FATCA – but fails to refer in any way to the law of the State of Israel.
Petition to compel Stanley Fischer to enforce the law of the State of Israel was filed with the Supreme Court of the State of Israel. The Petition alleges that Stanley Fischer exchanged his loyalty to the State of Israel and its laws with loyalty to another nation and its laws, and/or loyalty to financial institutions and their interest.  The Supreme Court refused to duly register the Petition.
On January 1, 2013, after months of extortionist demands and threats, the account owner's funds, totaling $250,000 in cash deposits (no securities at all), were frozen. Bank HaPoalim refused to produce any written document to that effect, only verbal and phone communications.
Around January 31, 2013, the account holder was informed that his accounts were unfrozen, after a meeting with the German Consul to Israel, to file a request for protection by the German Foreign Ministry against abuse of the Human Rights of the account owner, Dr Zernik, a Human Rights activist/Computer Science writer in Jerusalem.
The letter from Bank of Israel suggests that the release of the funds was NOT due to any action by Bank of Israel- Banking Regulation. 
Conduct of Stanley Fischer and Bank of Israel must raise concern regarding integrity of Stanley Fischer's conduct as Governor of Bank of Israel, and regarding integrity and stability of the Israeli financial system in general.

[1]13-01-27 Stanley Fischer, Bank of Israel Response re: FATCA, Bank HaPoalim, BM 

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