Friday, May 17, 2013

13-05-18 Palestine: The Third Intifadah "exposed"

Facebook shows violent clashes in Palestine's west bank:
World Riots 24/h
Ramallah , Palestine 15-05-2013 Clashes (10 photos)Photo

But most Israeli media are silent on this subject.  The exception is Maariv, which features an expose' - IDF soldiers of the "Third Intifadah" break silence.  The paradoxical situation is that while Palestinians have increased the levels of violence, Israel is determined not to play along.  The timing is not good from Israel's perspective, which tries to focus world's attention on Iran, and may even consider the Syrian conflict a distraction...)  The IDF issued exceptionally restrictive orders, relative to the opening of fire by soldiers.  As a result, incidents have recently recurred, of IDF soldiers retreating or ducking before stone throwing youths.
בראש החדשות

התחקיר המלא של "סופשבוע"
לוחמי צה"ל ביו"ש שוברים שתיקה
חיילים המשרתים ביהודה ושומרון מתארים מציאות יומיומית מורכבת שאין בה נכון ולא נכון. כך נראית "האיניתפאדה השלישית" בעיניים שלהם. "לימדו אותנו להיות לוחמים, לא לימדו אותנו לבוא ולהיות ברווזים. אתה עומד מאחורי הג'יפ ומתחבא" (חן קוטס-בר)
[IDF soldiers in Judea and Samaria break the silence: Soldiers serving in Judea and Samaria describe the complex daily reality, where there is no right and wrong. This is what the "Third Intifadah" looks like to them. "We were trained to fight. We have never been trained to be ducks. You stand behind the jeep, hiding." - jz]

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