Saturday, July 6, 2013

13-07-06 Forcing Down Evo Morales' Plane Was An Act Of Air Piracy

It is not only the gangsterism of the US gov, which ended up backfiring (because of the Morales incident, Venezuela and Nicaragua now offer Snowden asylum). What is most shocking is the desperation of US in view of a single individual fugitive. As if the security of the US depends on Snowden's arrest (he already made it public that the data is encrypted and stored in a way that it would be published even if he is killed).
It was the same situation with Assange: The UK government was ready, and made initial moves to storm the Ecuadorian embassy in London to get him. Only protest by the Organization of Latin American States stopped it...
The notion of being able to keep entirely secret a large-scale operation by the US government against the People, is of course delusional...

The forcing down of Bolivian President Evo Morales's plane -- denied airspace by France, Spain and Portugal, followed by his 14-hour confinement while Austrian officials demanded to "inspect" his aircraft for the "fugitive" Edward Snowden -- was an act of air piracy and state terrorism. It was a metaphor for the gangsterism that now rules the world and the cowardice and hypocrisy of bystanders who dare not speak its name.

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