Saturday, July 13, 2013

13-07-14 Bradley Manning Is Ordered By The Court To Declare Himself Guilty

Bradley Manning Is Ordered By The Court To Declare Himself Guilty

FORT MEADE, Md.-- WHISTLEBLOWER BRADLEY MANNING IS ON TRIAL HERE in a court martial proceeding over charges of willfully aiding and abetting the enemies of the United States by releasing to the Wikileaks organization a huge trove of documents and videos incriminating US government officials in war crimes, cover-ups, diplomatic duplicity and many other felonies and misdemeanors. Manning faces the possibility of the death penalty if convicted.

The trial had been expected to last another several weeks, at least, but in a stunning turn of events, at the prosecution's request Manning has been ordered by the trial court to sign an affidavit declaring that he believes his actions were in violation of his known legal duty, and that he believes his actions have aided and given comfort to the enemies of the United States. Manning's failure to sign this affidavit-- or even any effort on his part to indicate that it is not his own freely-made testimony-- will result in his imprisonment for criminal contempt of court, regardless of the outcome of his court martial.

The prosecutor and courts' reasoning is simple: Because the state has brought charges (thus indicating official belief in his guilt), and because everyone knows that releasing classified documents without permission is a crime, Manning must surely believe himself guilty. Thus, he's simply being ordered to attest to what he himself believes to be true, and what could be wrong with that?


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All comments are welcome... especially any tips regarding corruption of the courts in Los Angeles. Anonymous tips are fine. One simple way to do it is from internet cafes, etc.