Wednesday, September 4, 2013

13-09-04 U.S. Military Members Post Facebook Photos Opposing Syrian Intervention

U.S. Military Members Post Facebook Photos Opposing Syrian Intervention

by Josh Feldman | 7:00 pm, September 2nd, 2013

The United States is very divided about what to do in Syria, and now some currently-serving members of the military are weighing in, posting photos to Facebook saying they don’t want to have to fight in another country’s civil war. The Facebook groupArmed Forces Tea Party features a number of photos of servicemembers holding pieces of paper up to obscure their faces containing a message opposing U.S. involvement in Syria. The Blaze flagged these photos today, questioning whether if these soldiers have a right to express themselves in such a manner.

The Facebook group has taken a strong stance against Syria, urging its fans to call their members of Congress and tell them they’re tired of the U.S. getting involved in “un-Constitutional wars.”

There have been quite a number of these photos being posted to the Facebook page, including this collage put together featuring nine military members saying they didn’t sign up “to fight for al-Qaeda in a Syrian civil war.”

The Blaze points out that posting photos like these online could have some serious repercussions for commissioned and non-commissioned officers, since the Uniform Code of Military Justice warns against making “contemptuous words” against the President of the United States with a potential court-martial as punishment.


h/t The Blaze


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