Friday, October 4, 2013

13-10-05 Former Mossad Chief HaLevy - Israel must not permit China to contol a new train line and harbor on the Red Sea

Eilat - Israel's Red Sea access point.

According to media, the former Mossad Chief is adamantly opposed to Netanyahu's idea of letting the Chinese pay for and operate the new north to south line and a new harbor, saying that it would lead to a crash course with the United States, since it would provide the Chinese strategic control over Israel.

However, the former Mossad Chief appears in the minority on this issue.

China has been building/buying harbors and train lines all over the Middle East.

And the US-Israeli alliance appears in decline, as most recently shown in the Bank of China case.  And there too, China was the triangulation agent.

It reminds me of a visit to Barcelona a couple of years ago, during which the new harbor there, also built and operated by the Chinese, was inaugurated.  The local newspapers showed the official photo, with the Chinese rep in the middle, and the King of Spain on the side, commenting that it was a serious breach of protocol...  It meant volumes regarding the power of Spain, versus the power of China, over Catalunya.

China is steadily gaining control over the Mediterranean basin and Africa, simply buying them out, whiile the US is busy in self-destruction...

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