Truckers for the US Constitution provided an excellent example for Freedom of the Press and the freedom of demonstration in the US today -
On the one hand, some media ignored the case altogether, others were busy in undermining its scope, significance and integrity, and on the other hand, eventually, the truckers did make an impact and were stooped...
Someone here calimed sometime ago that there are hardly any serious demonstrations in the US today, regardless of current conditions, because there is nothing to demonstrate against...
The November 5th Million Mask March - planned in major cities around the world - will be the next test for fundamental rights in the United States today.
NBC with "Constitution" in quotation mark was a prime example of the state of US media today.
[1] International Business Times, October 10 2013 3:51 PM
Truckers Ride For The Constitution: Extremist Anti-Obama Protesters Hijack Truck Drivers As Political Pawns
[2] NBC Washingtonl; Saturday, Oct 12, 2013 | Updated 7:58 AM EDT
"Constitution" Rally Truckers Stopped After Slowing Capital Beltway Traffic
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