Monday, October 28, 2013

13-10-28 US: Civil War/Revolt has become part of the routine political discourse...

Discussion of civil war/revolt used to be the exclusive domain of the far right, particularly of staunch Second Amendment (Right to bear arms) advocates.
All that changed in the last couple of years, and discussion of revolt against the federal government now permeates the entire political spectrum.
In parallel, various federal agencies have purchased large amounts of weapons and ammunition, including agencies such as the IRS (tax agency), for no obvious reason.
The article, linked below is by a renowned left-wing writer, and it suggests that there is no chance to correct conditions, now prevailing in the US through incremental measures. Therefore, revolt is the only remaining option!
Such writing is unprecedented on the left wing in the US. It also places the writer under risk of administrative detention - under NDAA, or long-term imprisonment - under the "Patriot Act".
Chris Hedges | Our Invisible Revolution
Chris Hedges, TruthDig: The piecemeal and incremental reforms of a functioning democracy are preferable to revolution, says Hedges. But since we do not live in such a system, "Revolt is the only option left."
Read the Article
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