Monday, October 28, 2013

13-10-28 US: Growing concerns regarding collapse of the financial system

Over the past couple of weeks, news were published - first in Russia Today, later in other outlets - that large US banks have started limiting large cash withdrawals, and prohibit electronic transfers of large sums outside the United States.
These are cardinal signs of concerns of collapse of the financial system.
Already in 2009, the UN High Commissioner for Crime Prevention issued a report, which said that the US financial system would have collapsed, had it not been for the massive laundering of billions in narco-dollars of the Latin American drug cartels.
The article, linked below, predicts looming collapse of the US financial system.  Its significance is in the fact that the writer is the former Director of Budget Management in the Reagan administration.
Media in Israel and Europe engage in self-censorship of reports that document the depth of the crisis in the United States.
By Paul Craig Roberts
America's Ultimate Collapse

It's dishonest when the Federal Reserve pretends that it's working on a solution. The banks should have been allowed to fail. It would not have been very costly. The FDIC would have saved the deposits. The amount of money they needed to print to save the deposits was miniscule compared to what they've spent trying to save the banks -- and to the damage they've done to the dollar, and the economy.

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