Friday, May 16, 2014

2014-05-16 Israel v US as a total surveillance police state

===2014-05-16 Israel v US as a total surveillance police state===
Israel is by far more advanced than the US in the implementation of oppressive surveillance technologies. Beyond the electronic methods, listed below, the Israeli government employs a large number of shin-bet agents and affiliates. The outcome is security under a police-state.
With it, random, senseless, murderous police brutality, which is reported in the US almost on a daily basis, is hardly, if ever, reported at all within Israel of the 1967 borders.
Regarding advanced surveillance techniques:
  • Israeli is probably the only nation, which is building a biometric database, regardless of objections by Israeli computer security experts, and the government has already made it clear that it intends to "privatize" it.
  • Today, news emerged in criminal prosecution of a Jewish settler, charged with what should be called terrorist acts against Arabs, that the Israel Police is using drones for surveillance. [1] That is contrast with the use of drones for assassination, which was largely restricted in recent years, under international pressure. [2] 
  • However, not to worry: It was also recently published that a delegation from LAPD was here, hoping to acquire some of these technologies... [3] 
  • Given that Israel should be deemed a corporatist province of the US, one is at a loss. how to interpret the news. published by the Israeli Haaretz yesterday, based on Greenwald/Snowden records, regarding the level of NSA collaboration with Israel. [4]
[1] המשטרה מפעילה מזל"טים במעקב אחר מבצעי פשעי השנאה בשטחים
במשפטו של תושב עלי שהואשם בהצתת עצים של פלסטינים התברר כי המשטרה עקבה אחריו עם מל"ט
[2] Gaza: Life and death under Israel's drones - Al Jazeera
[3] LAPD goes to Israel, falls in love with drones and mass surveillance
[4]NSA may be putting Israeli security interests above U.S., new document reveals

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