Wednesday, August 6, 2014

2014-08-06 WIKILEAKS: Published documents on Israel and Gaza

===2014-08-06 WIKILEAKS: Published documents on Israel and Gaza===
According to Twits, in recent days Wikileaks published various cables related to Israel and Gaza:
WikiLeaks continued its tweets about documents on Israel, Gaza, and Hamas (see all their tweets on the subject over the past few days here ):
1) "Cashless in Gaza" Israel secretly tells US how it manipulates Gaza’s economy to keep it near disaster at all times
2) US cables show how Israel facilitated birth of Hamas inorder to marginalise the Palestine Liberation Organization
3) Classified report: Israel was responsible for bombing of UN schools in Gaza
Israel secretly told US of its plan to destroy Gaza’s economy
4) US classified its own report saying Gaza blockade was stopping medicine and “crippling the health sector. “
5) WikiLeaks cable reveals link between Israel’s NSA (8200 group) and private intelligence in UK and Canada

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