Monday, October 20, 2014

2014-10-20 ISRAEL: The thought police...

2014-10-20 ISRAEL: The thought police...
Attorney Gaby Lasky, criminal defense attorney, who represented Daphni Leef and other Israeli protest leaders, writes in Ynet, a mainstream news outlet, calling for review of the conduct of the State and Police Prosecution. (in Israel police can prosecute!).
Lasky claims that the criminal proseuctions, which ended up in vindications, were in fact an attempt to silence dissidents and legitimate political activity.
המשטרה החליטה לסלק את המחאה מרחובות הערים ולסתום את הפה למנהיגיה. זה נגמר בזיכוי מהדהד שחייב להוביל לבדיקה

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