Monday, November 3, 2014

2014-11-02 GAZA: In rare report, Israel admits micromanagement of the Gaza economy, deliberately held on permanent brink of collapse

2014-11-02 GAZA: In rare report, Israel admits micromanagement of the Gaza economy, deliberately held on permanent brink of collapse
Officially, Israel unilaterally retreated from Gaza, which is under Palestinian control. However, as previously shown in Wikileaks document, Israeli in fact holds total control over Gaza, and manages its economy on permanent brink of total collapse.
The report below is unique, since in it, Israeli authorities admit: a) That building a Coca Cola plant in Gaza requires Israeli approval, and b) That such permits are rare.
Below, today's report from the paper edition of YNET. Could not find it in other paper, online, or English editions of Israeli news. jz

"A rare Israeli permission for building a plant in Gaza!"
"Defense Minister Yaalon ordered total closure of the borders for passage of people and goods in response to the missile shot last week from Gaza to Israeli Eshkol area. In parallel, the Defense Minister approved the beginning of construction of a Coca Cola plant in Gaza, which would provide employment for thousands."

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