Monday, November 3, 2014

2014-11-03 ISRAEL: Massive corruption of the courts...

2014-11-03 ISRAEL: Massive corruption of the courts...
There are no longer any competent courts in the State of Israel, only fraud clubs under the guise of the rule of law...
Supreme Court Justice Noam Solberg
OccupyTLV, November 3 - "The examination whether a decision is a "Judgment" or another type of "Decision", obviously is not necessarily according to the title given to the record, but according to its essence..." [Aviva Braud v Gadi Ferber (3233/14) in the Israeli Supreme Court, Justice Noam Solberg, October 30, 2014]
According to such ruling, there is no way to tell what is a "Judgment" in the courts of the State of Israel today, until the matter is brought for retroactive decision by a higher court... Pretty ridiculous, a medieval-style fraud...
In competent courts there are specific procedures for the service, notice, and entry of judgment or any other dispositive decision.
And in competent courts there are "Judgment Books", or "Index of Judgments", where the judgments are listed.
But the conditions, stated in the recent ruling by Justice Noam Solberg are not new at all:
The Supreme Court petition Ashkenazi v Director of the Debtors' Courts and the Mnister of Justice (2300/11) originated in rampant fraud in the Debtors' Courts by banks, attorneys and magistrates. A forum headed by Supreme Court Presiding Justice Asher Grunis engaged for almost 4 years in Fraud upon the Court under the Ashkenazi petition. In the Ashkenazi petition, two "Judgment" records appear in the court file and in its docket. However, counsel for the petitioners claims that the first "Judgment" was not a "Judgment".
Since 2002, the Israeli Supreme Court added a disclaimer to all its decisions and judgments "subject to editing and phrasing changes." In parallel, the Supreme Court stopped duly serving its decisions and refuses to certify any of them "True Copy of the Original".
Judgments of the Supreme Court are the law of the land. And law that is vague and ambiguous is a serious violation of the Human Rights of all residents of the State of Israel!
In short: There are no longer any competent courts in the State of Israel, only fraud clubs under the guise of the rule of law...

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All comments are welcome... especially any tips regarding corruption of the courts in Los Angeles. Anonymous tips are fine. One simple way to do it is from internet cafes, etc.