Monday, November 24, 2014

2014-11-24 US: The illogic of Senator Leahy "Truth and Reconciliation Commission", Havard Law Prof Lessig "Constitutional Convention"

2014-11-24 US: The illogic of Senator Leahy "Truth and Reconciliation Commission", Havard Law Prof Lessig "Constitutional Convention"
I have just submitted a paper for review by an international academic computer conference in the area of e-gov on the large-scale fraud in the IT systems of the US courts. The paper is a short summary of my recent UN HRC submission.
Obviously, this is a very touchy subject... In the case of one international academic conference in the past, a previous paper passed anonymous peer review, only to be later rejected by "Logistics".
In the discussion section of the current paper, relative to general implications and potential corrective measures, I refer to:
* 2009 Senator Leahy speech, calling for a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" on the US DOJ.
* 2011 Harvard Prof Lessig inspired "Conference on a Second Constitutional Convention"
The Leahy speech infers in fact that US DOJ assumed totalitarian powers in the US today. Leahy is no spring chicken, and is likely to know a thing or two more than the average citizen. Regardless, his diagnosis is similar to the US Governance Chart, which I published a few years ago, showing FBI Director above the Prez and CIA Director, etc.
But both a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" and a "Constitutional Convention" can take place only after the ouster, or collapse of a totalitarian regime.
How did the two respectable gentleman above expect to conduct such efforts, when the totalitarian regime is still in place???
I guess that but floating such ideas, they simply tried to educate the US public, regarding the nature of the current regime...
[1] 2014-09-13 Human Right Alert (NGO): Appendix to UPR Submission - United States - 22nd session - "Large-scale fraud in IT systems of the US courts - Unannounced regime change?"
[2] 2011-09-24 Harvard Law School, Conference on the Constitutional Convetion
[3] 2009-00-00 In a speech in Georgetown University, Senator Leahy, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee called for a "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" onthe US Department of Justice.Transcript of Senator Leahy speech (2009)
Executive Summary Wide segments of the people of the United States today hold that the US government has undergone a transformation over the past couple of decades, and the US Constitution is no longer in force and effect. Instant submission documents that the US Constitution was indeed voided or su…

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All comments are welcome... especially any tips regarding corruption of the courts in Los Angeles. Anonymous tips are fine. One simple way to do it is from internet cafes, etc.