Saturday, January 24, 2015

2015-01-24 ITALY: Demonstration against neonazi violence Cemona

2015-01-24 ITALY: Demonstration against neonazi violence Cemona
The pics from Italy, Spain, Greece reminds one of conditions in the early decades of the 20th century - economic distress and robbing of the people under the Great Depression, violence of extreme right and left groups, which led to the emergence of totalitarian regimes. jz
[via Occupy Occupybarcelona Barcelona]
24/1/2015 ‪#‎Cremona‬, Italia. Manifestación contra violencia neonazi‪#‎EmilioResisti‬
24/1/2015 #Cremona, Italy. Demonstration against violence neonazi #EmilioResisti
Automatically Translated
Occupybarcelona Barcelona added 4 new photos.
24/1/2015 ‪#‎Cremona‬, Italia. Manifestación contra violencia neonazi ‪#‎EmilioResisti‬

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