Sunday, February 1, 2015

2015-02-01 FBI - the major perpetrator of domestic terrorism...

2015-02-01 FBI - the major perpetrator of domestic terrorism...
“They Can Do Whatever the F*** They Want”: Inside the FBI’s Disturbing Quest For Domestic Terrorists
The case of Eric McDavid has broader implications of how the feds go after suspected terrorists.
By Lindsay Abrams / SalonJanuary 30, 2015
In 2007, then 26-year-old Eric McDavid was sentenced to over 19 years in prison on charges of conspiring to commit environmental terrorism. Nine years into his sentence, on Jan. 8, 2015, he walked free, it having emerged that federal authorities withheld information pertinent to his case.
Just as improbable-seeming as McDavid’s release, 10 years ahead of schedule, are the circumstances that he and his lawyers say led to his conviction in the first place: His romantic feelings for a pink-haired, 18-year-old activist, “Anna,” who spent months encouraging him and two others to join her in committing acts of eco-terrorism — and who also happened to be a paid FBI informant.
The case of Eric McDavid has broader implications of how the feds go after suspected terrorists.

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