Tuesday, February 17, 2015

2015-02-18 GREECE and the Banksters

2015-02-18 GREECE and the Banksters
Greece only has a few days to either agree to an extended EU bailout, or walk away from its European partners and seek other assistance, possibly Russia or China, or other BRICS countries.
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  • Heri Kurniawan Sitepu likes this.
  • Paul Waldmiller Let them be a drain on Russia or China. Who cares. Socialist countries like Greece can all go to China or Russia. Who cares.
    1 hr · Like
  • Joseph Zernik Well well well, if no one cares, why are they issuing non-stop threats against Greece? Iceland was first, Greece is likely to be the second... Other slaves may get strange ideas about their right to leave the plantation as well...

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