Friday, February 20, 2015

2015-02-21 GREECE and the Banksters

2015-02-21 GREECE and the Banksters
This is completely crazy.
For EVERY devalued euro the Greek government saved - via “spending cuts”, more taxes, hurling people towards unemployment, etc. - the Greek economy CONTRACTED by €1.20.
The troika “remedy” – austerity – led to Greece’s debt to GDP ratio going UP, and NOT down.
And this is what the troika, Medusa/Cyclops Merkel, panzer Schauble et regalia want to go on.
Tsipras and Mister V. should grow some balls and GO NUCLEAR.
REALLY go for a Grexit. And mean it. Then let’s see if the panicked troika won’t sue for peace. Imagine the headlines: "Merkelator, the euro eliminator", etc..
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