Tuesday, March 17, 2015

2015-03-15 US: Stratfor's Friedman on war plans for EUROPE

2015-03-15 US: Stratfor's Friedman on war plans for EUROPE
[via Anonymous Brelin]
What the Europeans want or care about is irrelevant. The US is advancing its plans for escalating the war in Europe... Empire of Chaos strikes again... Here clearly outlined by Friedman, head of Stratfor, the notorious global intel/security firm, a close affiliate of CIA and US security agencies...
See also Wikileaks Stratfor leak, linked in comment below.

Lousy Google translation:
America's most powerful think tank announces strategy for the US-led war in Europe, while German monopoly media are silent! For over a year now, thousands of people protest in Germany against the war policy of the West and strongly warn against a war with Russia in Europe. How ruthless and morally depraved our politicians and the media act, is best seen in the fact that one up now protesters are defamed as "conspiracy theorists", because of their fear of war, while the head of the most influential American think tank "Stratfor" [1], publicly outlines the reasons under which the US government intends to fight a war in Europe. And German media don't mention it in one word! The explosive statements of Stratfor CEO George Friedman, [3] made as early as 4 February 2015 under a public conference [4] of the "Chicago Council on Global Affairs" [5], a lobby group with significant influence on the security and foreign policy of the United States.
Friedman's speech is an extremely rare glimpse behind the scenes of American foreign policy. The full lecture was published on the Internet [6], but so far only seen by about 10,000 people. The information contained herein, should be of the highest concern for all people on this planet. Because Friedman says it all about US strategy, and if any investigative journalist said the same, the journalist would not doubt be named a "conspiracy theorist,"
Anonymous uploaded a new video from March 15 at 1:30pm to their timeline.
Mit der Wahrheit lügt es sich bekanntlich am Besten: Amerikas mächtigster Think Tank verkündet Strategie für US-geführten Krieg in Europa und deutsche Monopolme...
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