2015-04-09 Cold War 2.0 - propaganda wars - Reuters falsified eye witnesses reports on MH17 downing
[via Anonymous Berlin]
The downing of MH17 is a key issue in the propaganda wars and the efforts to escalate the war against Russia.
The evidence shows that MH17 was most likely downed by US-backed, Kiev forces.
Moreover, the the fourt nations, who are members of the international, Hague-based, investigation committee, which includes Ukraine (the main suspect), secretly signed a veto/non-disclosure agreement, regarding results of the investigation.
Russia pushed into the shoes: the US News Agency of Reuters forged statements from eyewitnesses on the launch of MH17! Reuters, one of the largest international news agencies, has massively distorted testimony to MH17. Witness the crash of MH17 from the Lugansk region Ukrainian told RT that his interview to the crash of the Malaysian airline MH17 exactly in the opposite has turned Reuters. So, his statement that he a rocket from the area of the Ukrainian army had see Ascend was portrayed by Reuters that the missile from the "rebel territory" came. Reuters did not respond to requests from RT so far.[1]
In the context of a report on the causes of the crash of MH17 in the Eastern Ukraine, the British news agency of Reuters conducted an interview with the foresightedness Piotr Fedotov from the village Tscherwoni of Schoiten in the region Luganks. This should have observed according to Reuters, as a ground-to air missile allegedly being fired from positions of pro Russian self-defense forces on the Malaysian airliner.
News Agency wrote in its report:
[...] In an interview with Reuters said Fedotov, who described the 'shaking' the rocket first towards the camera, that fired the missile from the territory of the Ukrainian army. Later, behind the camera, he acknowledged, the rocket was launched from a nearby rebel territory. On the question of why he originally claimed the opposite, saying that he had fear of the rebels. [...]
Meanwhile, RT with Fedotov said. This however explained in an interview that Reuters correspondent Anton Zwerew in any way accurately worked in his report on the joint meeting.
The witness told RT literally:
[...] When we talked on camera about the Boeing, I explained, everything as it was. The things that I supposedly said when the camera was turned off, were invented by the journalists. It is all a lie. When the camera was, we talked at any time about the Boeing. [...]
He added that the Reuters journalist contacted him but after the interview, but never put forward a draft of the article to check him. Instead, Fedotov was asked whether he did get in trouble after the interview:
[...] The journalist called me and asked if I was in trouble. I was really surprised. Why should I be get in trouble, where I said only the truth? Then, but my friends told me that I told different things according to the article, as the camera was and when she was on. There I understood why he asked me if I was in trouble. [...]
» So it's pure imagination by the journalist or he did it to their advantage,"he added.
So far, the London-based news agency was not answered a request from RT to Reuters on the controversial interview with Fedotov.
The Malaysian passenger plane MH17, a Boeing 777, crashed last year apparently on July 17 after a hit with a still unidentified high-energy projectile. All 298 passengers of the plane were killed. The culprit in the crash was immediately clear for the political leadership in Kiev and a large of Western States. You accused directly the East-Ukrainian self defense units as well Russia until today, without to present hard evidence.
Dear bloggers and Internet users. Please share this post restated in the Internet, in forums and blogs, and of course on VKontakte, Facebook and Twitter. Right now, it is important that we can not fool us the German lies press and establish a reasonable counter public.
Cross references:
[1] RT reveals: Reuters news agency falsified statements of eyewitnesses to MH17
in die Schuhe geschoben: Die US-Nachrichtenagentur Reuters fälschte
Aussagen von Augenzeugen über den Abschuss von MH17! Reuters, eine der
größten internationalen Nachrichtenagenturen, hat Zeugenaussagen zu MH17
massiv verfälscht. Ein ukrainischer Zeuge des Absturzes von MH17 aus
der Region Lugansk erklärte gegenüber RT, dass Reuters sein Interview
zum Absturz der malaysischen Airline MH17 genau in das Gegenteil
verdreht hat. Seine Aussage, dass er eine Rakete aus dem Gebiet der
ukrainischen Armee hatte aufsteigen sehen, wurde von Reuters so
dargestellt, dass die Rakete aus dem “Rebellengebiet” kam. Auf Anfragen
von RT reagierte Reuters bisher nicht.[1]======================================
[via Anonymous Berlin]
The downing of MH17 is a key issue in the propaganda wars and the efforts to escalate the war against Russia.
The evidence shows that MH17 was most likely downed by US-backed, Kiev forces.
Moreover, the the fourt nations, who are members of the international, Hague-based, investigation committee, which includes Ukraine (the main suspect), secretly signed a veto/non-disclosure agreement, regarding results of the investigation.
Russia pushed into the shoes: the US News Agency of Reuters forged statements from eyewitnesses on the launch of MH17! Reuters, one of the largest international news agencies, has massively distorted testimony to MH17. Witness the crash of MH17 from the Lugansk region Ukrainian told RT that his interview to the crash of the Malaysian airline MH17 exactly in the opposite has turned Reuters. So, his statement that he a rocket from the area of the Ukrainian army had see Ascend was portrayed by Reuters that the missile from the "rebel territory" came. Reuters did not respond to requests from RT so far.[1]
In the context of a report on the causes of the crash of MH17 in the Eastern Ukraine, the British news agency of Reuters conducted an interview with the foresightedness Piotr Fedotov from the village Tscherwoni of Schoiten in the region Luganks. This should have observed according to Reuters, as a ground-to air missile allegedly being fired from positions of pro Russian self-defense forces on the Malaysian airliner.
News Agency wrote in its report:
[...] In an interview with Reuters said Fedotov, who described the 'shaking' the rocket first towards the camera, that fired the missile from the territory of the Ukrainian army. Later, behind the camera, he acknowledged, the rocket was launched from a nearby rebel territory. On the question of why he originally claimed the opposite, saying that he had fear of the rebels. [...]
Meanwhile, RT with Fedotov said. This however explained in an interview that Reuters correspondent Anton Zwerew in any way accurately worked in his report on the joint meeting.
The witness told RT literally:
[...] When we talked on camera about the Boeing, I explained, everything as it was. The things that I supposedly said when the camera was turned off, were invented by the journalists. It is all a lie. When the camera was, we talked at any time about the Boeing. [...]
He added that the Reuters journalist contacted him but after the interview, but never put forward a draft of the article to check him. Instead, Fedotov was asked whether he did get in trouble after the interview:
[...] The journalist called me and asked if I was in trouble. I was really surprised. Why should I be get in trouble, where I said only the truth? Then, but my friends told me that I told different things according to the article, as the camera was and when she was on. There I understood why he asked me if I was in trouble. [...]
» So it's pure imagination by the journalist or he did it to their advantage,"he added.
So far, the London-based news agency was not answered a request from RT to Reuters on the controversial interview with Fedotov.
The Malaysian passenger plane MH17, a Boeing 777, crashed last year apparently on July 17 after a hit with a still unidentified high-energy projectile. All 298 passengers of the plane were killed. The culprit in the crash was immediately clear for the political leadership in Kiev and a large of Western States. You accused directly the East-Ukrainian self defense units as well Russia until today, without to present hard evidence.
Dear bloggers and Internet users. Please share this post restated in the Internet, in forums and blogs, and of course on VKontakte, Facebook and Twitter. Right now, it is important that we can not fool us the German lies press and establish a reasonable counter public.
Cross references:
[1] RT reveals: Reuters news agency falsified statements of eyewitnesses to MH17
Im Rahmen einer Reportage zu den Hintergründen des Absturzes von MH17 in der Ostukraine führte die britische Nachrichtenagentur Reuters ein Interview mit dem 58-jährigen Piotr Fedotov aus der Ortschaft Tscherwoni Schoiten in der Region Luganks. Dieser soll, geht es nach Reuters, beobachtet haben, wie eine Boden-Luftrakete angeblich von Stellungen pro-russischer Selbstverteidigungskräfte auf die malaysische Passagiermaschine abgeschossen wurde.
In ihrem Bericht schrieb Nachrichtenagentur:
[...] Beim Interview mit Reuters sagte Fedotow, der das ‚Wackeln‘ der Rakete beschrieb, zunächst gegenüber der Kamera, dass das Geschoss aus dem Gebiet der ukrainischen Armee abgefeuert wurde. Später, hinter der Kamera, räumte er ein, die Rakete wurde aus einem nahe gelegenen Rebellengebiet gestartet. Auf die Frage, warum er ursprünglich das Gegenteil behauptete, sagte er, das er Angst vor den Rebellen hatte. [...]
Inzwischen sprach RT mit Fedotow. Dieser erläuterte allerdings im Gespräch, dass Reuters-Korrespondent Anton Zwerew in seinem Bericht über das gemeinsame Treffen in keinster Weise akkurat gearbeitet habe.
Der Zeuge sagte gegenüber RT wortwörtlich:
[...] Als wir vor der Kamera über die Boeing sprachen, erklärte ich alles so, wie es war. Die Dinge, die ich angeblich gesagt habe, als die Kamera ausgeschaltet war, wurden vom Journalisten erfunden. Das alles ist eine Lüge. Als die Kamera aus war, haben wir zu keinem Zeitpunkt über die Boeing gesprochen. [...]
Er fügte hinzu, dass der Reuters-Journalist ihn zwar nach dem Interview kontaktierte, aber ihm nie einen Entwurf des Artikels zur Überprüfung vorlegte. Stattdessen wurde Fedotow gefragt, ob er nach dem Interview Schwierigkeiten bekommen habe:
[...] Der Journalist hat mich angerufen und gefragt, ob ich in Schwierigkeiten war. Ich war wirklich überrascht. Warum sollte ich in Schwierigkeiten geraten sein, wo ich doch nur die Wahrheit sagte? Dann sagten mir meine Freunde aber, dass ich laut des Artikels unterschiedliche Dinge gesagt hätte, als die Kamera aus war und als sie an war. Da habe ich verstanden, warum er mich fragte, ob ich in Schwierigkeiten war. [...]
»Es ist also reine Fantasie vom Journalisten oder er tat es zum eigenen Vorteil«, fügte er hinzu.
Eine Anfrage von RT an Reuters in Bezug auf das kontroverse Interview mit Fedotow wurde bisher von der in London ansässigen Nachrichtenagentur nicht beantwortet.
Das malaysische Passagierflugzeug MH17, eine Boeing 777, ist am 17. Juli letztes Jahr offenbar nach einem Treffer mit einem noch nicht identifizierten hochenergetischem Geschoss abgestürzt. Alle 298 Insassen des Flugzeugs starben. Für die politische Führung in Kiew und ein Gros westlicher Staaten war der Schuldige am Absturz umgehend klar. Sie klagten bis heute, ohne stichhaltige Beweise vorlegen zu können, die ostukrainischen Selbstverteidigungseinheiten als auch Russland direkt an.
Liebe Blogger und Internetnutzer. Bitte teilt diesen Beitrag größtmöglich im Internet, in Foren und Blogs und natürlich auf VKontakte, Facebook und Twitter. Gerade jetzt ist es wichtig, dass wir uns von der deutschen Lügenpresse nicht beirren lassen und eine angemessene Gegenöffentlichkeit herstellen.
[1] RT deckt auf: Nachrichtenagentur Reuters verfälschte Aussagen eines Augenzeugen zu MH17
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