Monday, April 13, 2015

2015-04-13 Hillary and the Banksters... a match made in heaven...

  • 2015-04-13 Hillary and the Banksters... a match made in heaven...
    Will Hillary's Constant Feeding at the Corporate Trough Make it Hard for Her to Embrace Needed Populism?
    Zaid Jilani, AlterNet
    Whose economic security will Hillary protect? READ MORE»
  • Paul Perrier Hillary Clinton's face should be put on Ex-Lax products.. this woman gives me the shits.....
  • David Rojas I don't like to put Hillary down. That Photo of her by Paul Perrier is a cheap shot. She is no leader but the Right Wing Press hates her because her Husband is a threat to the corporate and bankers but Hillary is not an evil woman. I'm not going to vote for her or Jeb. I hate the Bush Family.
  • Joseph Zernik David Rojas I thought you were better informed than that! How can you can Bill Clinton a threat to the Banksters? He is the one who nixed the Glass Steagall Act of 1933, and conceived the banking crisis and take over of the US by the Banksters... Google Clinton+ Glass Steagall...

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