Wednesday, May 13, 2015

2015-05-13 ISRAEL: Who is corrupt? Rabbi Pinto, Judge Mudrick, or both? // פרשת פינטו 2: מי פה המושחת? הרב פינטו, השופט מודריק, או שניהם?

Pinto II:  Who is corrupt?  Rabbi Pinto, Judge Mudrick, or both?
The Pinto scandal is one of the worst corruption scandals in recent years.  The deliberately perverted records and denial of public access to inspect the records in this prosecution in the Tel-Aviv District Court again document that corruption of the judges is central cause of the situation in Israel today! 
פרשת פינטו 2: מי פה המושחתהרב פינטו, השופט מודריק, או שניהם?
פרשת פינטו היא אחת מפרשיות השחיתות החמורות של השנים האחרונות. שיבוש הכתבים וההליכים, ומניעת העיון בכתבים בתביעה הפלילית בבית המשפט המחוזי ת"א מראים שוב, ששחיתות השופטים היא גורם מרכזי למצב בישראל היום!

[עברית להלן]

Figure: Rabbi Pinto and senior police officers Arbiv and Bracha - main figures in the scandal. Pinto's attorneys warned that Pinto's prosecution would cause embarrasment to the justice system...  Judge Oded Mudrick of the Tel-Aviv District Court - both the purported conviction, and the purported sentencing records fails to be entered in Net-HaMishpat (IT system of the Court), a widely reported sentencing hearing "did not take place", and the reading of the sentence was in a hearing that both took place and did not take place...

OccupyTLV, May 13 - newspaper headlines today announce that Tel-Aviv District Court Judge Oded Mudrick yesterday sentenced Rabbi Pinto to one year in prison in one of the worst corruption scandals in Israel's history. According to a letter from US Attorney General Loretta Lynch, FBI informed senior Israeli justice officials already several years ago that Rabbi Pinto bribed the most senior Israel Police officers... [1]

According to media, Judge Mudrick announced yesterday in open court, during sentencing hearing, that Pinto was "corrupt and corrupting"...

However, closer review of the facts in this matter must raise concerns that Judge Mudrick is corrupt to no lesser degree -  creating deliberately perverted court records in a case of the highest public policy significance: Judge Mudrick is hiding the conviction and sentencing records (if they exist), created duplicitous calendar data, fails to correct the false records, even after given notice, and denies the right to inspect court records.  Combined - these are the hallmarks of judicial corruption and serious violations of Human Rights.

The May 12, 2015 Sentencing record appears neither among Decisions, nor among Judgments
Yesterday, Judge Mudrick continued to create vague and ambiguous litigation records.

Review of Net-HaMishpat (IT system of the Court) fails to unveil the May 12, 2015 sentencing record either among Decisions, or among Judgments.

Figure: Decisions Docket - as seen on May 13, 2015, fails to list the May 12 sentencing record 

 Figure: Judgments Docket - as seen on May 13, 2015, fails to list the May 12 sentencing record 
The registration of judgments without any delay is one of the fundamentals of Due Process.  And missing judicial records, particularly judgment record, is a hallmark of judicial corruption.

Did the May 12, 2015 Sentencing hearing take place, or didn't it?
The latest decision in the Decisions Docket is a May 10, 2015 Decision by Judge Mudrick, stating that the May 12, 2015 sentencing hearing, widely reported by media today, was cancelled.

Figure: May 10, 2015 Decision, stating that the May 12, 2015 sentencing hearing was cancelled.

At the same time, the case calendar shows that the May 10, 2015 sentencing hearing did take place, and that a protocol was generated... but the protocol fails to appear among court records in the docket..

Figure: The Case Calendar on May 13, 2015 shows that the May 12, 2015 Sentencing Hearing did take place, and a protocol was generated.  However, the May 12, 2015 Protocol fails to appear in the Decisions Docket.

In other cases, Israeli judges were documented to conduct "unofficial hearings", "off the record", with no knowledge of those present.  Such conduct should be deemed Fraud Upon the Court.

The creation of vague and ambiguous litigation records, particularly in criminal process, is also a serious violation of Human Rights, and again - a hallmark of judicial corruption.

Judge Mudrick fails to correct missing conviction record and contradictory data regarding a previous sentencing hearing, even after receiving a notice.
On May 3, 2015 Notice and Request were filed with Judge Mudrick, regarding erroneous records in Pinto's prosecution.

No response has been received yet from Judge Oded Mudrick on the May 3, 2015 Notice of probably missing/erroneous court file registrations and Request for correction. [4]

The Notice and Request refer to two records in the court file:

a) The April 14, 2015 Verdict (Conviction) record

Pinto's conviction was widely reported by media.  However, the conviction record is missing from both the “Decisions” and the “Judgments” dockets. Missing court records, particularly judgment records, are typical of corrupt courts.

Figure: On April 29, 2015, a total of seven (7) decisions were listed in the case, which by now should hold around 30 decisions. The decision records, which are posted in the public access system, include decisions on postponing hearing dates, changing defense counsel, and Defendant's access to evidence. Missing from the public access system are any hearing protocol, any decision pertaining to the evidence in this case, and any record of the conviction, reported by media to have taken place in a hearing on April 14, 2015. This court file and many others demonstrate that in the courts' new IT system, Net-HaMishpat, judges routinely maintain double-books for case dockets.

b) The April 28, 2015 sentencing hearing: The hearing was extensively reported by media.  However, in Net-HaMishpat (IT system of the Court) the hearing is listed, “Did not take place”, in the Court Calendar. The Case Calendar, likewise, shows that the hearing was postponed. 
In other cases, it has been documented that Israeli judges conduct “unofficial hearings”, off the record (simulated hearings), while the public and parties are under the impression that they are witnessing a lawful, effectual court hearing.

Figure: On April 29, 2015, the Court Calendar showed that the April 28, 2015 sentencing hearing, which was extensively reported by media, "Did not take place". Also in other cases, it has been documented that the Court Calendar in Net-HaMishpat is unreliable, and judges may conduct "unofficial hearings", while the public and parties are under the impression that they are witnessing a lawful, binding court hearing.

Judge Mudrick's failure to correct the false data, even after notice was given and request for correction was filed, is clear evidence that the vague and ambiguous records are not the outcome of "human error", but the outcome of Judge Mudrick's deliberate conduct.

Judge Mudrick maintains double books for "Decisions Docket" in this case
Beyond the missing conviction record, and the "did not take place" sentencing hearing, it is obvious that Judge Mudrick runs in this case double books for the "Decisions Docket": On April 29, 2015, only seven (7) decision records were listed today in the online public access system, in a case that should by now hold at least a couple dozen decision records.
The records, which are posted in the public access system, include decisions on postponing hearing dates, changing defense counsel, and Defendant's access to evidence. Missing from the public access system are any hearing protocols, and any decisions pertaining to the evidence in this case.
The maintenance of double-books for Decision Dockets is not unique to this court file, but the pattern is particularly blatant in cases that are related to corruption of government agencies. 

Judge Mudrick denies the right to inspect court records in this case - a "Constitutional Right", and "fundamental principle of a democratic regime", and a fundamental Human Right.
On May 10, Dr Zernik, PhD, filed in the Tel-Aviv District Court Repeat Request to Inspect the court file in the Pinto case, where the evidence shows perversion of justice by Judge Oded Mudrick. [2]  The new request asks to inspect only the electronic records in this case, in order to avoid "burdening" the court.  Inspection of the electronic records only requires providing access through the terminal in the Office of the Clerk...

A previous Request for Inspection, which was filed on April 29, 2015, asked to inspect all electronic and paper records in this court file. [3]  However, a letter, dated April 30, 2015, received by mail from the court and purporting to be a decision by Judge Mudrick, denied the Request to Inspect the court file. 

Figure: An unsigned, unauthenticated note, which fails to be registered in the "Decisions Docket", was received by mail from the Court.  It purports to be a decision denying the right to inspect the court file - according to the Israeli Supreme Court "a fundamental principle of a democratic regime" and "a constitutional right".
The letter says:
The trial is not over yet.
Exercising the right to inspect the court file at this stage would heavily burden the judicial work.
Since the Request is justified by a research purpose, I do not find room to grant it at this stage.
Following completion of the trial, it would be possible to file the request again.

The April 30, 2015 letter was received unsigned, unauthenticated, and it fails to be listed in the "Decisions Docket" of the electronic public access system of the Court (Net-HaMishpat).  Such record  cannot be deemed by a reasonable person a valid court record.

Separately, request was filed on May 10, for a signed and authenticated copy of the April 30, 2015 letter by Judge Mudrick.  Previous experience in such situations in the Israeli courts in recent years shows that the chances to obtain a lawfully signed and authenticated copy of the record are null.

Serious violations of Human Rights, and conduct that fits tribunals of a military dictatorship

The right to inspect court files was declared by the Israeli Supreme Court "a fundamental principle in a democratic regime", and "a constitutional right".  It is also inherent to the fundamental Human Right for fair, public hearing, particularly in criminal proceedings.  However, as documented in ongoing research survey, Israeli judges today deny the right to inspect court records, particularly in criminal prosecutions related to government corruption scandals.
Conditions have been established in the Israeli courts, such that the public is denied the right to access court records which show: what a person was indicted on, was a person was convicted of, what a person's verdict is, and that a person is held in prison pursuant to lawfully made arrest warrants.  Such conditions are typical of tribunals of a military dictatorship, but not of courts of a civil society.

The Pinto scandal is one of the worst in recent years, documenting deep corruption of the highest levels of the justice and law enforcement systems
Pinto is on trial for attempting to bribe Israel Police Brigadier General Ephraim Bracha, Head of the National Fraud Unit. In his investigation, Pinto provided incriminating evidence regarding Major General Menashe Arviv, Head of Lahav 433, the main investigative unit of the Israel Police, popularly known as the Israeli FBI. Pinto claims that he also holds incriminating evidence against the Israel Police Brigadier General Ephraim Bracha, Head of the National Fraud Unit. It is most likely the worst of the corruption scandals in the Israel police, which have rocked its top command in recent years.

Widespread denial of the right to inspect court files is typical of the Israeli courts today - particularly in cases related to government corruption...
The Request to Inspect the Pinto court file in the Tel-Aviv District Court was filed as part of a study of access to court files in the State of Israel, following major changes in administration of the courts over the past decade.
While the Israeli courts repeatedly declared that public access to court files is a "basic principle of a democratic regime", experience so far indicates that the courts routinely deny public access to court files.  The denial of access and the perversion  of court records are particularly blatant in cases related to corruption of government agencies.
Public access to court records is known for centuries as the fundamental way to safeguard the integrity of the courts, and absent public access to court records it is impossible to maintain the integrity of the courts.
The evidence points to corruption of the judiciary as central to conditions in the State of Israel today.
פרשת פינטו 2: ראיות מצטברות לשיבוש הליכים על ידי השופט עודד מודריק
פרשת פינטו היא אחת מפרשיות השחיתות החמורות של השנים האחרונות.  התביעה הפלילית בבית המשפט המחוזי ת"א מראה שוב, ששחיתות השופטים היא גורם מרכזי למצב בישראל היום!
 תמונה: הרב פינטו וקציני משטרה בכירים ארביב וברכה הם הדמויות המרכשזיות בפרשה.  עורכי הדין של פינטו הזהירו שהליכים פליליים נגד פינטו יגרמו למבוכה למערכת...  השופט עודד מודריק מבית המשפט המחוזי ת"א - הראיות מצביעות על כך שהוא עוסק בשיבוש הליכים לכיסוי הפרשה.

התקשורת מדווחת היום שהשופט עודד מודריק מבית המשפט המחוזי ת"א גזר את דינו של הרב פינטו לשנה מאסר והכריז על שחיתותו.  אולם בדיקת הכתבים בתיק זה מעלה חשש חמור שהשופט עודד מודריק מושחת לא פחות...
·         כתב גזר הדין מאתמול אינו מופיע בין ההחלטות, וכן אינו מופיע בין פסקי הדין.
·         כתב הכרעת הדין, גם הוא אינו מופיע בין ההחלטות או פסקי הדין.
·         ההחלטה האחרונה הרשומה בתיק, מיום 10 למאי, 2015, אומרת שהדיון אתמול בוטל.
·         דיון קודם על גזר הדין, שדווח בהרחבה בתקשורת, רשום כ"לא התקיים".
·         השופט עודד מודריק לא תיקן את הרישומים הכוזבים ולא רשם את הכתבים החסרים, גם לאחר שהוגשה לא הודעה ובקשה לתיקון הכתבים והרישומים בתיק זה.
·         השופט עודד מודריק מסרב להתיר עיון בתיק זה – "זכות חוקתית", "יסוד במשטר דמוקרטי" על פי בית המשפט העליון.
ניהול הליכים פליליים בהם הכתבים משובשים בכוונה, ושהעיון בהם אסור, הוא הפרה חמורה של זכויות האדם להליך הוגן ופומבי.
השופטים בישראל יצרו מצב בו לא ניתן לציבור לדעת אל נכון במה הואשם אדם, במה הורשע, מה גזר דינו, והאם הוא מוחזק בבית הסוהר של פי צו מאסר עשוי כדין.  תנאים אלה תואמים טריבונלים של דיקטטורה צבאית, אך לא בתי משפט של חברה אזרחית מתוקנת.
לאור העניין התקשורתי הרב בתיק זה, קשה להאמין שהכתבים המשפטיים המנוסים והפרופסורים למשפטים לא שמו לב לשיבושים המכוונים של הכתבים וההליכים בתיק זה על ידי השופט עודד מודריק. אולם התקשורת ממשיכה לדווח כאילו מתנהל פה משפט תקני והוגן, על פי חוקי מדינת ישראל...

[1] 2015-05-06 The Kabbalist and AG Loretta Lynch,

[2] 2015-05-10 State of Israel v Pinto (43357-09-14) in the Tel-Aviv District Court – Dr Zernik's Repeat Request (#27) to Inspect Court File //
מדינת ישראל נ פינטו (43357-09-14) בבית המשפט המחוזי ת"א – בקשתו (מס' 27) החוזרת של דר' צרניק לעיין בתיק
[3] 2015-04-29 State of Israel v Pinto (43357-09-14) in the Tel-Aviv District Court – Dr Zernik's Request (#25) to Inspect court file
מדינת ישראל נ פינטו (43357-09-14) בבית המשפט המחוזי ת"א – בקשתו (מס' 25) של דר' צרניק לעיון בתיק
[4] 2015-05-03 State of Israel v Pinto (43357-09-14) in the Tel-Aviv District Court – Dr Zernik's Notice (#25) of probably missing/erroneous court file registrations //
מדינת ישראל נ פינטו (43357-09-14) בבית המשפט המחוזי ת"א – הודעתו (מס' 25 ) של דר' צרניק על רישומים חסרים/שגויים ככל הנראה

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All comments are welcome... especially any tips regarding corruption of the courts in Los Angeles. Anonymous tips are fine. One simple way to do it is from internet cafes, etc.