Wednesday, September 2, 2015

2015-08-31 EU: Joins US escapades in Libya, Syria, etc... gets stuck with the refugees...

2015-08-31 EU: Joins US escapades in Libya, Syria, etc... gets stuck with the refugees...
Demonstration of Syrian refugees in Hungary, seeking entry into Germany.
MigSzol Csoport uploaded a new video: Keleti Tüntetés - Budapest Protest.
Tüntetés a Keletinél - Budapest Protest (eng below)
Szír és más menekültek spontán demonstrációja a Keletinél. Többek között azt is skandálták,hogy 'Engedjetek minket menni', 'Németország'.
Budapest Hungary: Spontaneous protest by Syrians and other refugees at Keleti train station. Chanting they want to go to Germany — 'Germany! Germany! Germany! Let us Go! Let us Go!’

Time: After 1pm 2015.08.29
Protest at the east-budapest protest (eng below)
Syrian refugees and other spontaneous demonstration at the east. Among others also skandálták, 'let us go', 'germany'.
Budapest Hungary: Spontaneous protest by Syrians and other refugees at Keleti train station. Chanting they want to go to Germany — 'Germany! Germany! Germany! Let us Go! Let us Go!’

Time: After 1pm 2015.08.29

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