Monday, November 9, 2015

2015-11-08 The state of the State of Israel, nearing 50th year of occupation of Palestine....

2015-11-08 The state of the State of Israel, nearing 50th year of occupation of Palestine....
The occupation of Palestine, under US lightly veiled suport, nearing its 50th year, has transformed Israel itself, exactly as predicts by Leibovitch in 1967. Israeli media today report the linkned speech in the Netherlands by Arab-Israeli Member of Knesset Zueibi. As usual, it was an all out attack on her right to say such things, even outside the State of Israel... Zueibi has been the target of bodily assaults (including in the Knesset, by Members of Knesset), and there are routine calls for her prosecution of various charges, from incitement to treason....…
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Joseph Zernik At the same time, Jewish Rabbis, who are supported by state budgets, and who published religious instruction books, which call for the killing of all Arabs, men, women and children, are not prosecuted, and continue to benefit from state support.
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Joseph Zernik What is not mentioned is that unlike the situation in the US, all these rabbis are effectively on state payroll, one way or another...
Hate-Mongering Israeli Rabbis Call Killing Palestinians "a Religious Duty"
By Stephen Lendman
Israeli settler lethally shot a Palestinian teenager around midday on Saturday. Witnesses saw Israeli soldiers place a knife by his lifeless body - to be able to claim he attempted to stab his assailant. -

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