Monday, November 23, 2015

2015-11-18 BANKSTERS!

2015-11-18 BANKSTERS!
Riggng a market of trillions of dollars a day!!!
"If You Get Enquiries Just Obfuscate And Stonewall" - How Barclays Rigged The FX Market For Seven Years
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/18/2015 - 12:28
“Do not involve Sales in anyway [sic] whatsoever. In fact avoid mentioning the existence of the whole BATS Last Look functionality. If you get enquiries just obfuscate and stonewall.... for the future, sales absolutely 100% do not know about the existence of last look and it shouldn’t be a concern for them... IF any client does call up about a rejected trade . . . it is important that you state in any communication ‘THE TRADE WAS REJECTED BECAUSE OF LATENCY.’ . . . DO NOT talk about P&L on trades."
“Do not involve Sales in anyway [sic] whatsoever. In fact avoid mentioning the existence of the whole BATS…

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